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View Full Version : Hanger Cost Sharing Agreement - Example for Other Chapters to Use

Mike Hongisto
02-19-2012, 10:58 AM
The following link is to our webpage containing a “Hanger Cost Sharing Agreement”. http://www.1221.eaachapter.org/newsinfo.htm Our Chapter will use this Agreement to share our hanger (leased from the County) with other Chapter members and the occasional EAA member from out of town.

Previously we made our hanger available for use with a handshake agreement but, as our Chapter has grown, we’ve found it more difficult to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to hanger rights, liabilities and obligations. This agreement is meant to ensure everyone that stores an aircraft in our Chapter’s hanger is working from a common base of understanding.

I’ve made this agreement available here for other Chapters to copy, cut and paste if they feel it's useful. Other than the hold harmless section, I drafted this agreement myself. I am not an attorney so you may wish to have your final agreement reviewed by one.

Note - To make "non-highlighted" changes to this Agreement, copy and paste the entire Agreement into a new document.

If you find the Agreement useful post your comments here. Your comments may also assist other Chapters in developing their own hanger agreement.

Mike Hongisto
President - EAA Chapter 1221