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View Full Version : Where is the wrench?

02-10-2012, 12:28 PM
Please, guys in this forum.
I have petitioned many forums on many sites and joined numerous clubs for some help.
Well I have a Wright 3350 engine and just cannot find anyone that will rent, sell, help me find or even help me with blueprints for the wrench to fit on the 3350 engine prop shaft. I'm not sure if anyone is able or if anyone cares. I have this piece of 4000 lb iron in my shop and have no way to turn it. I do have other options. 1 sell it for scrap, take it back to Ernie who told me that he turned it, see if there is someone here that wants to buy it, or just continue to eat my lunch in front of it instead of the tv. Is there anyone that will even think of helping me find a wrench or even a propeller thats not gonna fly, just run as display? Thanks in advance.:confused:

02-10-2012, 11:09 PM
what's so special about the wrench? What size is the nut for the prop shaft?

george r. garrison vaa 58
02-10-2012, 11:16 PM
You have cool engine in your shop. Most props, like in Hamilton Standard transport craft props should fit.

As for a wrench? Your talking a spline wrench. Maybe Pacitic Aeromotive? Or Aero Accessories?

I used to work on one of these in the US Navy. But, all those tools where in our engine shop. I never had any of my own.

Is it complete? Any damage? Anything missing short of the prop and what are you gonna do with it. Is it on a QEC? Or engine mount? How about innner cylinder baffles, cowling and speed ring?

I hope something I've said will help.

Later, George in Delaware

02-11-2012, 08:04 AM
George thanks for ray of light in your response. The engine was in a shipping container and is now blocked up in the shop using the shipping mounts. I can send you some pics at your request. andrew@a1mds.com
the engine is pretty much complete. I was told that it was remanned in 1985 and when I got it, it was loaded with cosmoline. It had red spark plug hole plugs in the cylinders and I have since removed them and sprayed the cylinders through the spark plug ports wit marvel mystery oil. The spark plug wires a few are broken. The baffles are all there but 1 need to be straightened out where the lift rig for loading pinched it. What a heavy engine. I have no crank nut or prop which I need a club prop or even a full size unit I could make work. The engine has carb, and starter which works but will not turn the engine. I also have the 110 external apu starting unit that winds up the electric starter.
George this has been a passion of mine to obtain an engine that is what my dad worked on as a machinist. He would come home and tell me about his day and how the engines function. I now have my dream engine now after many years trying to find one. This is the TC18 BTW. I have no information concerning the electrical system on the rear just under the carb either. i really need some help and would hope I can fine the right person that knows my situation. I do appreciate you plugging in for me George. Thanks a bunch. Please use the email address if you will. andrew@a1mds.com

george r. garrison vaa 58
02-11-2012, 09:11 PM
Andrew, I presume the engines a Curtis Wright R3350 powerplant. I'm assuming it is not a compund engine with PRT's on the aft powersection engine case.

I'll send you a message to your email and you can send a picture or photo of it.

Later, George in Delaware

PS: I'm heading south in May to a Ducati rally at Fontana Dam and Deals Gap Carolina. Maybe I could stp by and check it out.