View Full Version : Flight Training Survey Discussion

01-21-2012, 12:49 PM
Hi everyone,

A while back, I asked members of this board to complete a survey relating to their primary training. I was measuring the relationship between the time needed to solo and future success in getting the private pilot license. I'm happy to say that the study is complete and has been published in the current edition of the International Journal of Aviation Psychology. If you'd like to read the abstract and get a brief summary of the results, you can find it here:


If you would like to ask me questions about the study or discuss the results, I've set up a thread at the Pilots of America forum:


I asked for survey respondents on several different aviation forums, but I'd like to keep the discussion in one location. That way, everyone is one the same "page", so to speak.

Again, I want to thank all of the survey participants. Feel free to ask any questions at the Pilots of America forum.


01-21-2012, 01:04 PM
$43 for the article is pricey!!