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View Full Version : The p-51 skis sitting next to the EAAs p-51 at the museum

01-15-2012, 09:08 AM
Went to the EAA Museum the other day and seen the pair of ski sitting under the p-51 on display (i believe it as the early A model or the protoype)
and was wondering if they retracted with them on or not?

Yellow Peril
01-15-2012, 11:10 PM
My uncle found one complete set of skis with all of the fairings and gear doors and one set of main skis at an AG machine shop in Filer Idaho about 25 years ago. He gave them to John Paul and thaey are displayed at the Warhawk Air museum in Nampa Idaho along side their C model 51. Yes they did retract and they were made by Fairchild.

01-17-2012, 07:55 PM
thanks for the info
the ones I saw at the museum said made by Luscumbe on them(dotn know if Fairchild owned them or not) and the flat ski area was wood
wolud love to se a pic of one on a mustang . i cant imagine landing on snow that fast , must have one used them on a frozen lake bed or something like that


Zack Baughman
01-18-2012, 09:32 AM
Just for reference, here is a photo from Aerofiles of a P-51A on skies. I have no idea if these would be Fairchild or Luscombe skies. I'll see if I can't dig up some more info about the skies we have on display here at the AirVenture Museum.


Bill Greenwood
01-19-2012, 10:31 AM
Zack, I know how to ski, as much as any Texan can, and I've got a P-51 type rating. Do you think I could borrow that combo for a short flight, it would make a good news story? That's a great photo.
By the way, it's skis down below on the ground, and skies up above, the blue or grey stuff.
I had a deviled egg yesterday, not as good as the ones at your house.
Sat hi to all, there. And don't let em downsize you!

Yellow Peril
01-19-2012, 10:54 AM
Bill, They only made them to fit the A,B and C wing. Give John Paul a call, I'm sure he would be happy to mount his set to the BEE and let you try it out. Then again, maybe not. Don