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View Full Version : expected (aircraft) participation @ AV12?

Roger Janssens
01-03-2012, 07:36 AM
Hi all,
as this is the time of year when I can get the best airfares, I'm having to decide on whether or not to attend Airventure this year. I had originally decided not to return - much though I like Cubs, they're not sufficient reason to cross the Atlantic. But I'm always afraid I'll miss out on something unique. So do we have any advance information on rarities to expect for Airventure 2012? I'm thinking along the lines of:
-at the end of AV10, mention was made of the attempts being made by the EAA to get one of the Space Shuttles on its 747 carrier to visit AV11 on its way to a West Coast museum. Now that we know which Shuttle is going where, is this still being negotiated for AV12, or completely out of everyone's minds (except mine :-))?
-at the end of AV09, we were told that WK2 would return to Oshkosh carrying SS2 asap. Can 'asap' be defined more precisely by now?
-should the Douglas World Cruiser replica turn up at Oshkosh, will it be given a slot during showcase flying?
-should the Flabob Express bring a series of Flabob-based replica racers, will they be given a slot during showcase flying?
-any other vintage/warbird restoration projects planned to be ready by the end of July that we would hopefully be able to see flying instead of sitting in a crowded alley?
Thanks for any information that will help me decide!