View Full Version : Oh My! I can see the end of the tunnel! And some 1st timer tips....

07-17-2023, 07:58 AM
It almost seems like a year since I've been able to start gathering everything I need for my 9 day tram conducting stint up at AirVenture. The LOOOOOOOONG wait is finally over. So...YAY!

What can I say? I do luv me some airplanes and being able to interact with so many "like minded" great folks every day is a pure delight.

To any First Timers out there? Bring half the clothes, twice the money, wear comfy walking shoes, a hat, liberal applications of HIGH SPF sunscreen and drink plenty of fluids. Oh, also bring your sense of adventure, your patience and your sense of humor. This event WILL exceed your wildest expectations.... it always does mine.