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View Full Version : Holy Cow!! Less than 2 wks to receive E/AB registration

02-24-2023, 04:58 PM
I was watching the "How to Certify Your Homebuilt" (or close fascimile) webinar during Homebuilders Week. The presenter (Joe Norris?) and moderator were saying how registrations have been extended to 7 years because the FAA has had some challenges getting the paperwork caught up.

Several times, they mentioned that if you're anywhere close to finishing your project, (like within the next YEAR!) get the registration application filed NOW, because it might be 6 months or more. Since I'm installing the last parts (flaperons) on my Zenith Cruzer, and these are the last parts, I figured I'd better get my butt in gear.

So, on February 10th, Friday, I sent my notarized application and check for $5 to the FAA. Regular first class mail. No priority or FedEx.

Well, on the 15th, the plane was visible on the registration database. I received the registration today, Friday, the 24th. Two weeks from lickin' the envelope to receiving the paperwork. I guess the planets aligned and the paperwork gods smiled.