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12-20-2011, 04:44 PM
Does the proposal for the "Drivers License Medical" specify that, in order to fly the larger aircraft, the pilot must have at one time had a Private License or will somebody with a current Sport Pilot License be able to move up?

12-20-2011, 06:47 PM
Do a search here or on the AOPA site and you may find a copy of the proposel to read through for your answer. I seem to recall it may have been posted on a thread on here but I don't have the time to research right now.

Timm Bogenhagen
12-21-2011, 08:18 AM
The proposal EAA and AOPA intend to submit would not allow a path to initially obtain a recreational or private pilot certificate. To obtain either of these certificate would require a 3rd class medical. However, once the recreational or private certificate was obtained the pilot could then take advantage of the exemption and choose to not renew the 3rd class medical and under the exemption use a drivers license thereafter.

The proposal was carefully drafted to maximize its acceptability to the FAA and create progress where there has been none previously. Each additional expansion beyond the limits that are being proposed reduces the likelihood of success. If we are successful and the exemption is issued, it is possible that in future years the exemption could be modified in a way that might allow a path from sport pilot to recreational or private pilot without needing a 3rd class medical.

Additional information about the proposal including a series of FAQs, can be viewed by clicking these links:
http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-09-24_medical-mm.asp (http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-09-24_medical-mm.asp)
http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-10-06_exemption.asp (http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-10-06_exemption.asp)
http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-11-14_faq.asp (http://eaa.org/news/2011/2011-11-14_faq.asp)

Click here (http://www.magnetmail.net/actions/subscription_form_ExAAdl.cfm) to sign up for e-mail alerts on the progress of EAA and AOPA’s petition to exempt pilots flying recreationally from the third class medical certificate requirement.

Thank you for your support of this initiative.


12-22-2011, 07:31 AM

Given the resignation of the FAA administrator, is the proposal still on track for an early 2012 submission? If so, will an interim director further slow the decision process and/or lessen its chance for approval?


Timm Bogenhagen
12-22-2011, 03:53 PM
Don - The resignation of the FAA administrator does not change the plan to submit the exemption request. Having a new interim FAA Administrator does not change the fact that we will make a good case for the exemption and make it hard for them to say no.
hopmedic - Sorry but the exemption request will not include a path to obtain a private pilot certificate without holding a 3rd class medical. See above post #3 for more on this.

12-22-2011, 06:23 PM
I have been told by an FAA official at AirVenture that I would VERY likely not be able to get a medical because ...
Hello hopmedic,

I've talked to "FAA officials" at Oshkosh who did not know anything about what they were talking about. Several times. They come from all different areas in the FAA and seem often perfectly willing to give lousy answers to questions out of their field. Please do not take what that person said as FAA policy from their medical people in Oklahoma City.

It may indeed be accurate, but please do not assume so until you check with a very senior Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). The EAA has such, but the most aggressive, available, and always outspoken one is Dr. Bruce Chien on the AOPA Forums. If you're not an AOPA member, his personal web page is www.aeromedicalDoc.com (http://www.aeromedicaldoc.com/). He's always willing to correspond and tell you what the latest guidance is for special cases. He may give you bad news that it can't be done, but he may also tell you exactly what you need to do to succeed in getting a medical if you want one bad enough. If it can be done, he'll tell you how. It doesn't cost anything to ask and get his advice. He only seems to charge if he gets involved in the actual submission of material to FAA. I've never seen a "sales pitch" from him. Give it a go. Good luck.

Mike E

12-24-2011, 12:28 PM
Sorry for the delay Timm, but it's that time of year again.;) Thanks for the answer. A recent trip to my doctor seems to indicate that I might be in good enough health to get my 3rd class again. I'm going to consider applying again after I see that the FAA accepts the proposal. btw, I've already signed up for the email updates, just haven't received any yet. Again, thanks for your answer, it covers exactly what I wanted.