View Full Version : Web cams

07-12-2022, 10:10 AM
Any ETA on when the web cams will be operational?

07-14-2022, 03:45 PM
Any ETA on when the web cams will be operational?

My answer will probably get me kicked out of here, but here goes.

Who cares? They weren't worth watching last year and probably won't be this year.

07-14-2022, 03:47 PM
Beat me to it :). Also, please EAA, return the quality to what we've enjoyed in previous years. Last year's quality, movement programming, and the dates the camera become active and were taken down, was terrible.

Any ETA on when the web cams will be operational?

07-15-2022, 09:40 PM
Cams are running, quality not sure yet it’s nighttime.

07-16-2022, 05:04 AM
They seem up Saturday morning

Green Dot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kho6sEaFVzc

Ultralight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b99D95Pvcr0

warbirds - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKBz3SM8Rsc

07-16-2022, 05:26 AM
Those look great, a much welcomed return to quality.

07-16-2022, 06:04 AM
They look terrific. Thanks for sharing the links. Always fun to watch an entire town spring up out of the bare grass in a matter of mere days.

07-16-2022, 07:03 AM
For the last three or four years, I keep thinking maybe I'm ready to take a year off from Oshkosh. The time gets closer and closer and I'm still not anxious about going. But, like every year, the webcams do it. It took all of four seconds of seeing the grounds and I'M TOTALLY IN!!! And the quality! Oh My Gosh! You guys have knocked it out of the park!

Now where's my folding chair!

07-16-2022, 09:20 AM
Great. I already called one of our early volunteers there. The Ultralight camera shows a wide open space in vintage except for one aircraft. Oddly, he seems to have decided to park in the middle of the taxiway. I'll be there midday Tuesday it looks like.

Just saw the portolet service truck go by. Guess that's good.

07-16-2022, 01:13 PM
They look great. Starting Monday, ATC and cams will be on my computer till I get there.

07-16-2022, 01:49 PM
Glad to see they're up. In some recent years there was also an airshow cam, that streamed the afternoon (and maybe evening) airshows. Does anyone know if that will also be available this year?

I had a launcher on the desktop of my laptop to open a browser directly to the address of the cams, and it still works, but it forwards to a new address, https://www.eaa.org/airventure/live which as all 3 cams in one place. However, it seems you can only view one at a time, and with the YouTube links posted above I can open each cam in a different browser tab and switch between them at will.

The only thing I'm somewhat disappointed about is the loss of the central cam. I think the "Green Dot" cam was a good idea, but maybe it could have been added as a fourth cam instead of moving the central. Now it seems the only coverage of the show center is the overlap of the ultralight and warbirds cams, at the ends of their scans. But I agree it's an improvement over last year.

07-17-2022, 06:41 AM
Webcams looks great, But no central cam???? It was great to look in on vintage and the rest of central display area.
will it be back? It’s like a piece of a puzzle is missing. ��

07-17-2022, 08:26 AM
I take back my previous comment. The cams look better than they ever have, thanks. I also wonder why no central cam? The green dot cam will be great for watching arrivals, but maybe after the show gets going, move it to a central location.

07-17-2022, 12:39 PM
I too would like to see the central cam from Vintage.

Jeremy S
07-17-2022, 06:21 PM
Thanks for sharing the links! I have a disabled relative who can't physically make it to the event, so the webcams are the next best thing.

Rod Schneider
07-17-2022, 06:38 PM
The cameras do look very good, much improved over last year! I do also wonder why no central camera?? Not seeing Boeing Plaza is a bit of a disappointment........

Elayna Hall
07-18-2022, 08:04 AM
Hey everyone! Glad to hear many of you are happy with this year's livestreaming so far. After last year's feedback, we really wanted to ramp up our offerings and make the overall experience better for all of you. As for the central/vintage stream, we were experiencing some connectivity issues with the camera late last week and due to rain we couldn't get up to fix it but the feed should be on its way.

Rod Schneider
07-18-2022, 08:22 AM
Hey everyone! Glad to hear many of you are happy with this year's livestreaming so far. After last year's feedback, we really wanted to ramp up our offerings and make the overall experience better for all of you. As for the central/vintage stream, we were experiencing some connectivity issues with the camera late last week and due to rain we couldn't get up to fix it but the feed should be on its way.

Excellent!! Thank you!!

07-18-2022, 09:11 AM
The Web-cams are soooooooooooooo much better this year - Thank you..................

07-18-2022, 10:51 AM
Hey everyone! Glad to hear many of you are happy with this year's livestreaming so far.

Well, not everyone. My employer probably isn't thrilled with the slight dip in productivity as I keep these up and running on another monitor and constantly glance over... all this despite the fact that I'll actually BE there on Friday.

But yes... these are awesome, and thanks for feeding the anticipation!

Edited to add: The Green Dot camera looks to have a case of the shakes. :D

07-18-2022, 05:02 PM
The Vintage camera us up. Looks good.

07-18-2022, 07:01 PM

07-18-2022, 08:36 PM

07-19-2022, 03:36 AM


07-19-2022, 04:59 AM
The EAA website for all the live feeds is - https://www.eaa.org/airventure/live

07-25-2022, 02:18 PM
Looks like the main EAA web site is getting overloaded now. I can't even get to the home page.
Unfortunately the streaming feeds are not searchable on YouTube. While going to airventure.org/live is easier, when traffic is bringing the site to a stop, here are some of the direct links:

Warbards https://www.youtube.com/embed/SKBz3SM8Rsc
Ultralights https://www.youtube.com/embed/b99D95Pvcr0
Vintage https://www.youtube.com/embed/edtQzZq7wbs
Green dot https://www.youtube.com/embed/kho6sEaFVzc
One Week Wonder https://www.youtube.com/embed/lZTtYrTTdyg
Warbirds in Review https://www.youtube.com/embed/QoPjiU2p_98
Forums https://www.youtube.com/embed/pxR49f531bc
ADS-B and ATC https://www.youtube.com/embed/hInKppCuKiM
Around the Grounds https://www.youtube.com/c/EAA/playlists
EAA Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/eaa/live
EAA Radio https://www.youtube.com/embed/1fkkYNZCnmo

It looks like the live airshow and Theater in the Woods are through Brightcove, so there isn't a direct link.

Daher and Pratt & Whitney really stepped up the air show video production this year. Looks and sounds really great!

07-31-2022, 08:50 AM
Bravo to EAA and the crew that handles the webcams and the airshow this year! It was great..

The airshow was especially good! The quality was very good and the skill of the camera person was also top notch! This year you fed the sound of the airshow in and zoomed in when appropriate and showed the crowd which gave a really good experience.

Please only improve on this for next year. Please don’t experiment for the sake of change.

Congratulations and thank you for the great virtual show this year….