View Full Version : Helmet recommendations for an open cockpit gyroplane

06-23-2022, 03:08 PM
I am looking to purchase a helmet for my AutoGyro MTOsport 2017 gyroplane (open cockpit) and would like some recommendations. My flight instructor recommends the Flycom FH-1V-GA helmet, manufactured in the United Kingdom. I borrowed one and found it to be comfortable and communications were very clear. I would like to try on other helmets but don’t know where to go. Everything seems to be online anymore. Does anyone have experience with the Flycom helmet? Any other recommendations? I live in southeastern NJ. Thanks.

06-24-2022, 06:57 AM
There are multiple vendors of new and used flight helmets.

aviationhelmets.com (https://www.flighthelmet.com/) is in CT.

Bonehead Composites (https://boneheadcomposites.com/) is in CA

flighthelmet.com (https://www.flighthelmet.com/CTUS.html) is in MD

Lift Aviation (https://liftaviationusa.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoZ2glpHG-AIVBvrICh1ibQOtEAAYASAAEgKNXvD_BwE) is in WI

There are others, including some that have ultralight specific products. I am an airplane guy so you may want to apply your Google-fu to find them.

For what its worth I fly with a helmet that does not have built in comms and put a Clarity Aloft headset under it. Great noise protection.

Best of luck,


06-28-2022, 06:08 AM
Regardless of which vendor you choose make sure you mention that you’re buying a helmet for rotorcraft use. The suspension systems between a fixed wing and rotor wing helmets are very different by design.

07-14-2022, 03:51 PM

I'm thinking of using a helmet with my Clarity Aloft too. What helmet are you using? I tried a Bonehead but the sides pushed uncomfortably on the earbuds.


07-14-2022, 06:36 PM
I use the classic leather helmet in the biplane now, but I was very happy with the Comtronics helmet I used when I was flying ultralights.

07-18-2022, 05:44 PM
I fly with a Bonehead Guner over my Clarity Aloft. I had to try a couple of Clarity ear piece sizes to find the most comfortable ones. And I sometimes have to adjust an ear bud after sliding the helmet on. You might have to do the same.

Best of luck,
