View Full Version : Computer algebra system

10-01-2021, 02:42 PM
Have you a prefered computer algebra system (free or not) ? There's a bunch of it nowadays
look at

I'd prefer to have a Windows version (or running it in Virtualbox).
I was quite impressed with Maple (I had a demo version and didn't had opportunity to buy
because it was quite costly) and surely there are things that would be equivalent from
academics (with GNU/GPL licence).

There are online tools like Symbolab but it is bogus and quite scrappy.

Some examples in Symbolab

this one is working
https://www.symbolab.com/solver/step-by-step/%5Cint%5Cfrac%7Bx%5E%7B2%7D%20-%20%5Cbeta%20x%7D%7B%5E%7B%5Cleft(%5Cgamma%20%2B%2 02%5Calpha%20x%5Cright)%5E4%7D%7D?or=input

(https://www.symbolab.com/solver/step-by-step/%5Cint%5Cfrac%7Bx%5E%7B2%7D%20-%20%5Cbeta%20x%7D%7B%5E%7B%5Cleft(%5Cgamma%20%2B%2 02%5Calpha%20x%5Cright)%5E4%7D%7D?or=input)useful for landing gear deflection

this one doesn't (answer is complex but it was a piece of cake in Maple)
https://www.symbolab.com/solver/algebra-calculator/%20%5Cint%20%5Cfrac%7Bx%5E%7B2%7D-%20%5Cbeta%20%20%20x%20%7D%7B%5Cleft(%5Cgamma%20%2 0%20%2B%202%5Calpha%20%20%20x%5Cright)%5Cleft(%5Cr ho%20%20%2B%202%5Csigma%20%20%20x%5Cright)%5E%7B3% 7D%7D?or=input

Thanks for your answers.

Mike Switzer
10-01-2021, 04:10 PM
I use a program called Math Cad that came on 5 3.5" floppies in the mid 90s. It will do any kind of math needed for mechanical engineering including complex differential equations. I haven't tried to install it on my newest Win 10 machine because it is on my old XP engineering station, but I know it will run on everything from original Windows up thru Win 7 (Including Win NT)

10-02-2021, 02:25 AM
Thanks for answering, PTC did the Pro Engineer CAD suite (and recently Onshape Online CAD system) so I bet MathCad is a good product, and certainly old version too.