View Full Version : Day 5 of 9

07-28-2021, 04:31 PM
Blue Route again - I have had the same driver (Karl) for 3 days now so he has been put on suicide watch after having to listen to my same crummy jokes over and over and over.......poor Karl - LOL. I cycle through about 50-75 jokes in truth but after a while I'm pretty sure he could do my routine.

SEVERE weather is forecast for late tonite. I don't expect many issues here at my motel some 50 miles away, but the campers will feel the wrath of Mother Nature for sure, and many folks have opted to fly out early. Hopefully nothing will get destroyed overnight. Hold out a good thought for them though. The rest of the week however is forecast to be fine.

Some poor soul asked for a pic of my scooter and of me so here ya' go buddy - you asked for it, you got it, and YES, I know I do a great Wilford Brimley impersonation-lol.. My usual group of three jokes will follow the pics.



"My idiot brother was 21 before he figured out that Taco Bell is NOT the phone company in Mexico."


"When I was just a lad I fondly remember how my dad would take me out, put me into a tire and roll me down the hill........ ah yes, fond memories.... those were Goodyears"

And finally..... for now

"I am DELIGHTED to tell you all that for the first time ever, THIS tram is sponsored. Our sponsor for the route is Johnson and Fester, Oshkosh's ONLY veterinarian-taxidermist. Their motto - either way it goes you get Fluffy back."

Later taters

07-28-2021, 07:30 PM
Hey Randy, just out of curiosity where are you staying? We’re in Waupaca and bracing for severe weather tonite too. Our area has been warned for half inch hail and winds up to 50 mph.

robert l
07-29-2021, 06:05 AM
Thanks for the picture Randy, in less than 2 months I'll be 75 and I may need one of those one day, and I don't know if I'll look as cool as you. I do remember you from a few years ago so next time I ride a tram, I'll say hello. This was the first year we were going to have a plane to do the, "I flew into Oshkosh" thing but I'm still sitting home with two tickets and two wrist bands unused. Two days before our planned departure I came down with a bad cold and severe back and arm pain that the Dr. hasn't figured out the cause or treatment yet, but I'm seeing the Ortho guy tomorrow. Hope the weather is easy on everyone and we'll try again next year. Thanks again for the pics.

Ronald Franck
07-29-2021, 06:37 AM
Two days before our planned departure I came down with a bad cold and severe back and arm pain that the Dr. hasn't figured out the cause or treatment yet, but I'm seeing the Ortho guy tomorrow.

Just curious, did you get the jab?

robert l
07-29-2021, 09:18 AM
Just curious, did you get the jab?

What jab are you talking about ? It may have gone over my head !

07-29-2021, 06:27 PM
I'm assuming the Covid shots?