View Full Version : Anybody done the B-17 ride out of Appleton?

07-08-2021, 12:09 PM
How tough is it to book in week? I know they are pre-selling now, but it's a pretty chunk of non-refundable change, I'd rather book on site. How fast does it fill up?

07-08-2021, 01:29 PM
If memory serves, and 2019 was a looong time ago for my aged brain, I 'think' they were fully booked by show week Thursday? Yankee Lady carries 12 passengers per flight, several flights a per day, but weather is a monkey-wrench factor NOBODY can guarantee. Get a hunch and bet a bunch? Hopefully someone who works that booth can chime in with facts rather than my guess.

07-08-2021, 01:30 PM
but weather is a monkey-wrench factor NOBODY can guarantee.

Aaaaand that's why I'm not booking ahead of time.

07-08-2021, 02:08 PM
The 5-10 day weather forecast 'should' be a pretty solid guide to buying earlier rather than taking a chance later on the rides being sold out. This year it looks like the B-25 will also be operating rides. And there is always my favorite, a ride in one of the tri-motors. Worth every penny IMHO to be on that piece of aviation history.

07-08-2021, 02:32 PM
The 5-10 day weather forecast 'should' be a pretty solid guide to buying earlier rather than taking a chance later on the rides being sold out.

(Stolen from someone else....)
Ron Wanttaja

07-08-2021, 03:19 PM
Hah! Good one!!!

07-08-2021, 04:45 PM
Yup on Tuesday it was 90+ and then we got 4+ inches of rain with near 50 mph winds around 1800. Rained all day on Wednesday and woke up to a cloudy drizzly 54 deg day. Got warmer as the day progressed but the mosquitoes have appeared. Some near B-17 sized:)

07-08-2021, 05:52 PM
the mosquitoes have appeared. Some near B-17 sized:)

Are they booking rides?

07-08-2021, 06:22 PM
Rained all day on Wednesday and woke up to a cloudy drizzly 54 deg day. Got warmer as the day progressed but the mosquitoes have appeared. Some near B-17 sized:)

Are they booking rides?
Unfortunately, they're all Special/Culex category, and the FAA has clamped down on giving rides....

Ron Wanttaja

07-11-2021, 06:59 PM
Which B-17 is pre-selling rides out of KATW? As far as I know, Aluminum Overcast is still grounded and not giving rides during AirVenture.

07-11-2021, 10:58 PM
If memory serves, Yankee Lady.

Sam Oleson
07-12-2021, 08:44 AM
Yankee Air Museum's B-17 Yankee Lady​ will be selling rides this year during AirVenture.

Which B-17 is pre-selling rides out of KATW? As far as I know, Aluminum Overcast is still grounded and not giving rides during AirVenture.

08-01-2021, 07:14 PM
Circling back to answer my own question.
I decided to book on Berlin Express rather than Yankee Lady for several reasons. YL seemed to fly rather sporadically, Like 2 or 3 flights per day, versus the hourly trips on BE. BE money stayed in EAA, where YL money was going to YAM. Speaking of money, the BE flight was over $100 less for essentially the same experience. I wanted to fly on WWII bomber, 17 or 25 didn't really matter to me.

As for booking times, I booked on Tuesday morning for a flight on Thursday afternoon. While waiting for my flight on Thursday, they were booking for Saturday. So the lead time was about 2.5 days, if interested. And you should be, the flight was unforgettable.
