View Full Version : The Ultralight Strip
- Welcome to the new boards!
- Ethanol
- The 100% Electric Lazair, Electric Floatplane Ultralight!
- Ultralights to Airventure 2011 from Canada
- Old Forums
- Close in your ultralite, I sell skins
- Camping in the UL area?
- ???
- Identify this ultralight
- Norm's Flying Boat UL Flight Test Progress
- Ultralight plane(s) in a barn story
- landing competion
- Backyard glider
- HomeBuilt Ultralight
- On the Farm 2011
- Does the EAA still cover ultralights?
- Microphone Quieting
- Looking for advice on an LSA
- Flying "boat" displayed at Sun n Fun
- Aerotique Parasol
- Robin Ultralight
- Sport Twin II Waiting For FAA Inspection
- MiniMAX contacts
- LSA or Ultralight with best useful load?
- Ultarlight Flying sites in East Central Florida
- Facetmobile ultralight?
- Amphibian gear plans or info?
- ul and lsa performance
- First flight of the Sirocket - jet ultralight
- Flightstar information wanted
- My Wife Thinks I'm Crazy
- airbike
- Javelin
- Any "Hillbillys" out there??
- Add your ultralight to our growing list
- Sebring Expo photos
- Recommendations on what to build
- anybody building a skyraider or ridge runner out there
- Anyone building or flying a Skyranger. Especially the Swift version.
- Hall of Fame nominations due March 1st
- Afford-A-Plane
- Two cycles, Boy some folks sure hate them
- Web sites to purchase 103 ultralights, plans, kits or assembled ultralights
- Nice phone call with CGS Aviation and Rec Power
- A fool and His Dream
- Moving to Cecil Co. MD
- Ultralight structural strength
- Bad Moller Skycar LSA story in LPW -apology
- Metrics on prop loading effects
- vertical take off and landing made easy, safe and cheap -
- N-registering Kolb
- J3 kitten
- Visiting Non US citizens flying 103 in the USA
- Motor glider
- Ultralight crash with death in Iowa
- Flying inflatable boat question
- ultralight for spam-can pilot
- AirVenture 2012 Ultralight/Light Plane Forums
- Thread - Rich/Lean of peak mixture - 2 cycle
- First post, Hopefully First build coming soon.
- An Ultralight Beginner
- Ultralights and light plane photos from AirVenture 2102
- Has General Aviation Missed the Potential of Basic Ultralights?
- U.S. Flag over Ultralight Barn
- Mock Machine Gun for Ultralight or Light Plane
- Newbie in Oklahoma looking forward to flying again.
- LISA Reorginization and Future
- Light Plane World is Moving
- Is norman nuts?
- Need help with Ultralight in novel got to make it right
- Free Android GPS app?
- Rotax engine mounts what size engines are interchangeable?
- The world's first PPC?
- Skyraider Ultralight
- In know the info is out there about LSA training but...
- Strange new UL question
- Winter Ultralight Flying Advice
- Help!! Hirth 2706 driving us crazy!!
- Advice needed on airport restriction rewording
- I love flying my UL!
- A four-stroke
- where are the DAR EE
- Where is UL growing?
- Looking to buy - Skyraider
- Non-pilot getting started in ultralights
- Questions of seaplane hull choices
- Musicans wanted
- restarting Rotax in flight?
- Flight Junkies
- Ultralight User Survey
- X/C to Airventure......who's in ?
- How many EAA Chapters with an UL focus?
- Running a Rotax on E-85?
- Buying an old Rotax 503
- Why 261 lbs on the E-Spyder???
- Best ultralight to accumulate flight hours for under3K
- writting the pilots hand book for an original design
- How about some reports about the UL activity at Airventure!
- Legal Eagle EAA webinar (free!)
- Good morning from MCAS Miramar
- Phantom or Hurricane Owners look in here (carrying cargo)
- The average person
- Insurance for ultralights
- Can public airports/airstrips prohibit Ultralights?
- Volmer VJ-23 Glider
- The Flabob Flying Circus
- Anyone going to Imperial Aviation Day?
- looking for the operators hand book of a Maxair Drifter 582
- Radio Station License
- Quicksilver MX II serial number?
- Working with Aircraft Aluminum tubing.
- Should I buy a Sky Cycle?
- Quicksilver mx2
- Sorta-Newbie Has UL Questions
- Learning to transition into ultralights
- A couple of identification questions
- Hawk question
- Fabric vs Sals
- That LODA again...
- Can UL fly over populated areas near airports?
- V speeds / service ceiling for a Quicksilver
- Stall characteristics of a Quicksilver
- A project of an inflatable aircraft
- Wing sail replacement
- Ultralight Engine Options
- Advanced Aviation Cobra
- Choosing the right one
- Looking for UltraCub builders
- OK, so I'm ready to learn to fly
- Needing help with identification
- New here, looking for training
- Rotax 377 Mix or Oil Injection?
- Icom A20 Fast Charger
- Is it now OK to shoot at aircraft? Does the FAA care about this?
- Tuft testing an ultralight sail
- Wings
- Introduction
- New UK ruling allows Single Seat Deregulated Ultralight (Microlight)
- What happened to Ultralights?
- EAA Ultralight fly-in..By invitation only
- Breezy
- Can someone recommend a 2-seat amphibious ultralight kit?
- New Kid on Strip
- Need decent 2 place trike plans
- How bout some pics?
- (Aeriane) SWIFT rigid hang glider
- mini max Eros
- Aerolite 103
- Noob questions (please be nice)
- Shipping Ultralight Cross-country
- Part 103 "congested" & Part 91?
- Need open cockpit helmet/headsets
- Minimum altitude limitations
- Private Pilot flying an LSA?
- Iphone/ipad GPS
- Sky Raider Manual
- LSA or Ultralight
- Hangbuggy
- Short Field, real short, Landing
- STOL forum? Backcountry?
- Ultralight range ... whats the winds aloft ?
- Want to Buy
- SKYRAIDER: CG and fabric
- Butterfly gyroplane
- Part 103 to E-AB
- J-5 Super Kitten Rigging Data
- Why can't I register as an ultralight pilot without having had an instuctor.
- Ultralight or?
- Raceair Skylite?
- Preceptor N3 Pup
- Newbie, avenger questions
- Legal Part 103 single-seat trike as flying boat (like Polaris or Sea Trike)?
- Wanted Sadler Vampire wing drawings or photos
- Ultralight aluminum tube structure bolt and hole clearances.
- Name the gyro that delivered the mail!
- Trailering
- Performance 103 CS Weight shift Ultralight
- Is oil counted weight?
- FINALlY!!!!!
- Motorcycle Helmet?
- Opinion Blackshape PRIME - I WOULD BUY IT
- Spanish Ultralights Championship 2015
- Flying a Quicksilver MX Sprint
- New Quicksilver MX Prop
- rebuilding a ultralight biplane.
- Aventura 2 or Buc 2 airfoil shape
- My first U.L. an MX Sprint, need some maintenance advice
- Pterodactyl Ascender - Dimension Needed Please!
- Wufi 2015
- noob...
- Snowline redrive used on a Cuyuna engine
- electric powered ultralight
- Tierra owner needs advice
- Has anyone had good results rolling on latex paint on ultralights?
- Part 103 weight limit
- Wing fences and carburetors
- Wanted: Rotax 277 engine with "A" box
- Ultralight engine options
- Old wizard rebuilt with 3 axis controls this time.
- Anyone running a Kohler twin or other 4 stroke?
- aluminum tube bending...anyone?...
- MiniMax Talk
- Challenger II
- Quicksilver MX Sprint
- New to your Forum
- The hot one
- 582 rotax bing 54 jetting
- Name this plane! First time ultralight enthusiast
- U.V. Protection
- A lucky man
- New to flying & forum
- Buccaneer 2 trailing edge elevator tube replacement needed.
- Transition from flying LSAs to Ultralights
- Alive and well
- Anyone here have a Buccaneer 2 or Aventura 2?
- Keeping a Quicksilver type aircraft outdoors...
- Aventura Ultrlight landing gear failure
- Challenger single seater complete airframe for sale
- Ultralight / Sub 87 Kt. Sport Pilot Training
- Rotax 582 voltage issue
- Will a MZ201 work in a pusher aircraft? Is Compact Radial Engines still around?
- Has anyone ever converted a Quicksilver MX From Landing wires to struts?
- Rotax 912ULS Shortblock Strip and Rebuild Photo Gallery
- Camping at the Fun Fly Zone
- Electric Belite!
- Choppergirl's DayGlo Cotton Candy Color Scheme for Dorothy
- First Flight Test Procedures
- plane toyz car heater
- New to forum
- Homebuilt Powered Paraglider Quad
- Wheel bearing swapping question
- Questions about mounting Subaru EH99 engine
- Ultralight options that can be trailered easily?
- Flaperon mechanical mixing
- Buckeye Paraplane
- Need help/advice about putting a wing cover on for a Pterodactyl Ascender
- Hanger Talk
- Where to buy new wing covers?
- Pre aileron Quicksilver Questions help sought.
- Rotax 377 Manual needed
- Anybody flying off the beaches in Florida
- Fat Ultralight
- Gyrocopters.. where to start?
- Compact Radial Engines out of business???
- What kind of ultralight is this??
- Looking for Ultralight Pilots who were Active 1978-1982 or so
- Air bike Tandem- getting started
- OPERATION PHOENIX JR. Phase 1- Hirth motor identification
- Kawasaki T/A 440 Ultralight Engine won't start
- Go Fly - Where to post
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