View Full Version : Warbird Island
- Welcome to the new WARBIRD ISLAND!!!
- Don't you just love it when a machine tells you how many letters you need in a title?
- Mid-Air at Duxford
- Big Cats Over Oshkosh?
- FHC Flies the FW 190A5
- More from FHC.
- P-38 Prop rotation question
- b17 flight
- Anyone know of a PT-19 23 or 26 project?
- Video: FHC's Fw 190 and Bf 109
- Scottish Aviation Bulldog
- August 27, 2011 Flying Heritage Collection Free Fly Day
- For the Warbird Lovers
- "Thunder Birds" trailer - spectacular full-color flying scenes from 1942
- A Special Day
- September 17, 2011 - Tennessee Museum of Aviation's Living History Day
- WWII Veterans Panel discussion at the EAA AirVenture Museum, Sat. Oct. 1
- AOPA - Red Tails - Cuba Gooding Interview
- Video: 7-ship Spitfire finale at Duxford, September, 2011
- Restored Il-2 Sturmovic flies in Russia!
- WWII in Photos (from The Atlantic)
- T-6 v. SNJ Tails
- Newbie just saying hello
- New Warbirds
- Freeman AAF
- FW-190 First Flight (VIDEO)
- WWII veteran honored with replica of his P-51
- Big day at the National Museum of the United States Air Force in Dayton!
- Thunder Over Michigan 2012
- Some excellent Aluminum Overcast footage shot during its Dallas, TX tour stop (VIDEO)
- Amazing photo - Avro Vulcan's shadow over "Lady Be Good" B-24 in Libya
- Spitfire gun fired after 70 years in peat bog
- AT-6 / SNJ spins
- Giant scale warbirds (and more) from Speigel TV
- C47/DC3 info
- Cousin Bill-youngest B17 pilot
- Pt-26
- Somewhat warbird related - 4th tunnel discovered at site of Stalag Luft III!
- Pearl harbour vets
- Extraordinary color footage of the 100th Bomb Group at Thorpe Abbotts
- We remember - ICAS 2011 Video
- Anyone looking for an interesting career in warbirds?
- What constitues a warbird?
- Modesto, CA CAF
- Heads-up > there could be twenty five B-25s on the field this year!
- The Dam Busters
- Help with a Wright 3350 Compound turbo engine.
- The p-51 skis sitting next to the EAAs p-51 at the museum
- How about some Autogiro warbirds?
- Some warbird mechanic humor...
- T28 Maintenance
- War bird Race Car?
- Nightingales and Bombers - a 1942 BBC recording
- Pt-19
- 1968 Tan Son Nhut Airport (Saigon) footage
- Body of WWII Royal Air Force ace found
- I love warbirds..............
- Nord 3202
- How 'bout some right proper warbird noise to start the day?
- "Honey, do we have room in the garage for a rocket plane?"
- They're at it again
- Flying Legends 2012 trailer
- Warbird Pilot and Owner Howard Pardue
- Xf5u
- Seen on WIX - Potez 63-11 replica nearing flight!
- Doolittle Raider Reunion pledge drive
- Neat P-38 video
- Neat P-51 video
- Spitfires in Burma 'could be found'
- orientation flights, suggestions
- 20 Brand New Unused Spitfires Discovered in Burma
- One for the California warbird fans
- Pilot of WWII P-40 discovered in the Sahara identified
- Here's one for the warbirds, 1/3 scale B-17G
- Looking for former Scribner Airbase airmen
- Incredible photos of the new P-47 restoration at The Fighter Collection in Duxford
- SBD from Lake Michigan
- 100 years of Marine Corps aviation!
- Warbirds Over Whiteside
- B-17E "Swamp Ghost"
- Heinkel He 115 recovered in Norway on Saturday
- Fairey Firefly accident
- 70 years ago - the Battle of Midway
- B-24 Ball Turret Video
- About this time
- Planes of Fame Air Museum video from the 1960s
- P-47 cockpit video
- Stuka Ju 87 being recovered from Baltic Sea
- Lycoming O-235-4 engines
- The sound of a V-1 rocket
- P-63 Flying
- P-40 Found in Sahara Desert
- Vets in College
- Historic Days
- A&P for T-6 pre-buy San Francisco Bay Area?
- Big Birds Visit
- Big Birds Visit
- Welcome to the future!
- New A36
- Warbird Picnic at Oskosh Tonight
- Sad Day
- Restored Mossie nearing flight!
- A Worthy Warbird Cause
- WWII C-53 (C-47 variant) found in the Swiss Alps
- Warbirds at Oshkosh
- Need quick answer; Drop tanks on a warbird
- Reno NTSB Report
- L 39 Lost
- XF5U Nose Cone
- Another Good One Gone
- Reno Results
- Last flying B24?
- Army Air Corps P-51 color specs
- Buried Spitfires Update
- Any CJ-6A, YAK-52, Chipmunk owners on here?
- B-29 "Doc"
- Bamboo Bomber flight training
- Grumman F3F-2 restoration and first flight
- Eaa b-17 repair
- FIFI needs help!
- FM-2 Wildcat recovery from Lake Michigan on Friday December 7, 2012
- Remember Pearl Harbor, 71 years ago today.
- WWII Bomber Jacket Art
- Reno Air Races 2012
- Some warbird news - Lancaster restoration in the UK and Brewster Buffalo found
- Aircraft Boneyard - Kingman, AZ
- F4U Corsair comes inside from the elements for a restoration.
- Work continues on B-17 Champaign Lady
- Postwar Waco CG-4 Operations
- Appearance fees
- Warbird jewellery - great idea!
- New HBO WWII 8th Air Force Mini-Series in Development
- Tuskagee Airmen
- The Biggest Bomb in the History of the World (via Gizmodo)
- Ulster Aviation Society's Wildcat the story so far
- Boeing and Warbirds
- Yeager Quote
- Corrosion treatment , Intergranular exfoliation
- 2012-Year in review
- Some awesome warbird action to get the blood flowing!
- Sleeping in Seattle
- Bringing the troops home
- Today in history
- B-29 'Doc' Restoration continues
- Replica accident in Australia
- Some good news - CAF's B-29 and B-24 returning to AirVenture!
- Georgia Air museum disposes of 29 planes, Most expected to be scraped.
- Warbirds in Austin
- Wanted, Stinson L-5 flap return springs
- Seeking West Coast A&P
- Bob hoover reno mayday
- Heritage Aero
- Rib Stiching technique for Japanese aircraft, do you know it?
- WAR Aircraft replicas international information
- Help a 30 year old rescue a B-25
- Korean War Photos
- Boeing Rosie the Riveter to fly on B-17 Aluminum Overcast in Seattle.
- Veteran sees footage of his 1944 Spitfire crash for the first time
- Archie Donahue, Corsair Pilot
- D Day and Some Of The Coolest Vets
- Fuselage ID help needed
- Fly Or Ride Warbirds?
- Jerry Yagen is selling his collection!
- Nice Tribute For Next Year At EAA
- THIS DAY IN AVIATION - July 10, 1942: First flight of the Douglas A-26 Invader
- Free ID help on WW2 military aviation unit emblems..............................
- One hel of a fighter
- Leather Squadron/Group flying unit patches made................................
- Off course
- Great Engine Sound - Boeing P-12C (75% replica)
- B17 anti ice tank
- The Vought V-173 Flying Pancake
- A Friend Lost
- Reno Results
- Me 109 and P 51 Apache
- Old Warrior Passes
- NASA pioneer astronaut Scott Carpenter died Thursday at the age of 88
- Sad News from Galveston
- The Most Honored Photograph - The Eager Beavers B-17 Crew
- Video - CAF Airpower History Tour at Collin County Regional Airport
- Final Toast of the Doolittle Raiders
- Northrop's First Flights
- MURPHY Gets A Copter.
- NWOC schedule
- Doc coming to Airventure! (hopefully)
- Aluminum Overcast flies over Lambeau Field!
- Brad Pitt Warbird ?
- Drone On and On
- VET scam "charity"
- Merry Christmas!
- Famous WW 11 Fighter Pilot Dies
- Beer, Brotherhood and the Battle of Britain
- Interesting bit of WWII aircraft archaeology
- Battle Scenes
- B-36 Cockpit
- Some incredible COLOR footage of the B-29 "Bockscar" and the Nagasaki mission!
- If these planes could talk...
- Affordable WWII warbirds?
- A WWII love story for Valentine's Day
- NWOC activity
- Some exciting news for warbird fans in the UK!
- Great Warbird Line from the movie
- Are Vet Charitues Legit?
- Ed Bowlin Passing
- Anyone been to the "Flying Legends" at IWM Duxford recently?
- Asking a Really big favor from anyone that might be interested...
- Warbird Flying Club
- Restored Spitfire flies for the first time in nearly 74 years!
- Blue Angels Wed morning practice
- Anyone at SUN N FUN?
- Veteran's Records
- Trouble for Blue Angels
- CAF decision
- A real fighter pilot
- What engine is this?
- A-26, B-26 or other?
- Merlins At The Beach
- CoA for Foreign Warbird
- Heavy Bombers Weekend returning to Madison, WI July 25 - 27, 2014 (KMSN)
- Lancaster Bomber Amazing Sound of 4 Merlins
- One for the P-47 fans - Thunderbolts at the 2014 Planes of Fame Air Show
- Douglas A-1 Skyraider Attack Aircraft
- Eurofighter Typhoon D-Day Salute
- Spitfire + Mustang D-Day Pair
- Duxfords Operation Neptune Tribute
- Trainer Type-Ratings
- Honoring D-Day Veterans
- Augusta Westland AH MK1 Apache
- Dakota III 'Kwicherbichen'
- Spitfire PR XIX PM631
- Hawker Hurricane Mk XIIa
- Sopwith Triplane Crash 29th June 2014
- Great video about Connie Edwards
- Video - A visit to the Mid America Flight Museum, Mt Pleasant, Texas
- Boeing P-26A Peashooter
- Want to see 87% warbirds using the P & W R-985 "Wasp Jr." 450 HP radial engine?
- Curtiss P-40c 41-13357
- Flying Bulls B-25J Mitchell Bomber
- Official AirVenture 2014 Warbird Photo Thread
- Wednesday Video
- Grumman Hellcat F6F
- Phantom FG1
- BAC Jet Provost
- 501c3 and Aircraft Restoration and Flying
- Gloster Gladiator Mk II
- Video: Interview with a WWII Vet at Perrin Air Force Base Museum, Denison, TX
- Avro Lancaster Pair
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