View Full Version : Marketplace
- Lycoming O-290G plus other stuff for sale
- Private Home with Airstrip for Sale in Middle Tennessee
- Hey look - a new board!
- Props, etc for sale.
- Mass produced vtol aircraft to eliminate eventual global gridlock of ground vehicles
- Ocean View Home and Hangar For Sale
- LSA Champ on FLoats
- Atlantica Prototype and molds
- RF-170 Rotorcraft - with new rotors
- Champion Spark Plugs
- Cleveland kit 199-104 wheels and brakes
- Heliclycle kit (complete) for sale, including turbine engine
- BUNGEE TOOL, the Wag Aero Original
- EXTREMELY RARE 16mm MOVIE: Richard Bach's "Nothing by Chance."
- Need Vision Microsystems Parts for VM-1000 and EPI-800 Systems
- For sale by builder: 1997 ultravia pelican pl
- Sensenich aluminum glastar prop
- SE FL hanger home for sale must sell!!!!!
- For aspiring pilots and old hawks alike.
- Continental A-75-8
- Continental A-75-8
- 1952 Cessna 170B Wheel Pants
- U.S. Civil Aircraft By Juptner, set of 9 volumes....and others
- New Control Lock Available from Aircraft Spruce
- Zenith 640 plans for sale + extras
- Destiny ST Single-Seat Ultralight PPC FOR SALE....
- New Book: "You Can Afford To Be A Pilot" Paperback & Digital, Great for Sport Pilots
- Kitfox Amphib For Sale
- Thorp T-18 Drawings.
- Learning to Fly?
- 1946 Luscombe for sale
- Good C-85-12 core
- FS: Garmin GMA 340 audio panel
- Tempest Launches New Engine Preservtion Video
- Federal 1500 skis, rigging and dollies/ Fit Cessna 120/140
- Federal 1500 skis, hardware, Dollies for Cessna 120/140
- WTB: Vans RV9A
- 1940 Stinson 10 Project
- Rotax 503 SCSI FA Cooling B-Gearbox For Sale
- Davis Monoplane Parts Needed
- Fairchild 24 for sale
- For Sale
- PA-18-150 project for sale
- Ivchenko AI-14 for sale
- Gyroplane Sport Pilot Ground School - On-Line $99 for PRA Members, Sign up NOW
- Osprey 2 plans
- WTB: Cleveland 40-60 wheels
- Good news, maybe
- Wanted: two particular vintage magazines with aviation articles
- Garmin Panel Dock for x96 for sale
- wanted strojnik S2A plans
- Spam !
- wanted carberator
- NA-S3A01 Carburetor for C85
- i want huge spares for my bulldogs,please can anyone help me in finding big stock
- FS: K&N Air Filter NIB # 33-2395
- For Sale 1955 170B wheel pants
- For Sale - Sonex airframe kit $8100
- glasair II kit for sale
- Pair of Hush-a-com's with headphone jack
- Wanted: Len Morgan Books
- EAA Chapter 1310 is selling a Throttle Quadrant
- FS: Thorp T18
- 2250 compound. Need help.
- WTB nav 122
- WTB: Hoskin FT-101 fuel flow indicator
- Looking for an Airplane
- Garmin Aera 550 for sale
- Birth of a Spitfire Ebook
- KR2 with a Turbocharged Revmaster for sale
- (1) Rieker Slip Indicators Inclinometer: Model 1040, J-3 Cub Champ Aircraft NEW.
- EAA Chapter 1310 remaing items on Ebay dirt Cheap
- Aircraft Wood Working DVDs from Blue Swallow Aircraft, LLC
- Aircraft Swap Meet - Sacramento area
- custom wood working, metal work, castings, pattern making and machining offered
- reduction needed
- wright 3350.
- Vision Microsystems VM1000 and EPI-800 Support Services
- Cool "Experimental" T-Shirts for Sale!!
- I'm selling Aircraft Hardware by the pound Aircraft factory Surplus
- Complete paint and powdercoat system, 3 stage turbine. gun, touch up gun etc.
- For Sale : Over Sized Wheel Pants
- spark plugs
- Where is the wrench?
- Anyone have a handheld nav/com for sale ?
- For Sale - Used Nav/Comm Equipment
- Group Purchase of Sky Radar
- Jabiru 3300A Engine, Rotex 377 Engine, 63"x45 pitch McCualey Prop, 2:1 red drive
- Hatz Classic 063 Project
- Import tax on kits?
- Insurance....
- Help me help the EAA Warbird line crew. For Sale 106.4 POUNDS OF TITANIUM HI-LOKS
- Help me help the Warbird Line crew! 142.35 POUNDS OF STEEL HI-SHEAR, HI-LOKS .
- Culver V
- Whelen TSO'd LED Nav Lights New In Box
- CH701/Jabiru2200 Motor Mount For Sale
- CompAir 6 - N6140U for sale. Make an offer.
- Sonex parts
- Bush Caddy R80 Project for sale
- 1947 Cessna 120 wheel pants (1 pair / 2 mains)
- Bendix/King KLN-94 GPS & Items For Sale
- F.S. 1966J Wren Con version of the Cessna 182
- Wanted, GPS
- Hartzell Propeller
- Stewart -Warner 5" Tach Cluster Combo
- FS Garmin 396 GPS
- Wanted Rotary engine
- The First Composite Pedal Kitplane
- Century II-B Autopilot For Sale
- Cherokee 140 nose bowl beautiful
- For sale :Over Sized Wheel Pants For Cessna 182
- Monerai P Motor Glider for Sale
- Misc books and items for sale
- 1953 Piper PA-22-150
- Fairchild 24 for sale
- FS: S-Tec Roll Servo
- Aviation Liability
- FS/T: RV6 Dynafocal engine mount
- Restored and modified quadrants
- FS - Intercom and Gascolator - never used
- Prestolite alternator, cowling,engine mount c-85 12
- Vintage EAA mug from 1965
- What you should know!
- Tailwind Spruce spars, full span
- WANTED: Right Wing Alarus or Zenair CH 2000
- FS: Dynon OAT P/N 100433-000
- Wanted
- Aircraft Throttle Quadrants
- Sport Aviation Magazines for sale
- FS: Vintage Smithsonian Booklet "Masters of the Air" published 1957
- Wanted: McCuley 1A90/CF73 43
- (NEW) AERO Heated Pitot-Static AN5814-1 (12 Volt)
- FS: US Navy G-1 Flying Jacket & USGI Flying Gloves (Perfect for T28 & T34 Warbirds)
- Wanted - Dipper Amphibian plans
- F.S. 1964 Cessna 182 Front Seat
- AV8'in - Link to FREE Online Aviation & Motorsport Magazine
- Ferry Pilot Wanted
- Cross Wind Component Android App
- BatteryMINDer 24041-AA-S2 24 Volt Aviation Battery Charger / Maintainer
- WANTED Original slides of P-51 Mustangs
- WTB vintage Breitling Navitimer
- Fairchild 24 for sale, PM me if interested.
- Lycoming O-290G, fully converted
- Aircraft Wood Working DVDs from Blue Swallow Aircraft, LLC
- WTB: Andair Universal Joint
- Rand Robinson KR2 for sale in McKinney, TX
- Starter for an O-235, Delco-Remy 1109657
- Harrison Oil Cooler
- Marvel-Schebler MA-3SPA carburetor
- fuselages/fairings 4/sell.
- PS5C for Sale
- sump/lycoming O-235
- marvel carb
- 4251 Slick magneto
- 10 push to talk switches
- Cave Man Stuff for your panel
- Home at the airport Denali Ak
- crush plate
- Composite vacuum bagging material for trade!
- 4" prop extension
- For sale: 1932 Faichild 22C7B
- Challenger parts
- Belite Plans set...$75.00
- BMW R1200R Engine 109 HP
- Hiper-bipe project for sale by wife!
- Fraction Faction is headed to EAA Airventure Oshkosh 2012!!
- Continental 65 for sale
- King Radio Package
- Looking for a project.
- For Sale 1975 Cessna 172M
- Gyrocopter For Sale
- Southwind heater
- WANTED - Knight Twister Blueprint
- Walter Minor 4-III manual
- Wanted.. Radial engine cores
- 2012 oshkosh air venture tickets
- WTB - 2008 Airventure Patch
- WTB - Rolls Royce Derwent engine burn can
- Beaver Ultralight for Sale
- EAA Chapter 1536 Apple iPad Raffle
- FOR SALE, Oil Cooler, and 8 New Massive -48E Champion Sparkplugs
- Density Altitude App for Android - Free !
- Flying Flea Experimental Aircraft Plans Set Mignet HM-360, 380
- Sweet Hi Max
- Garmin 296 GPS
- Cherokee Six (Partnership) FL for Sale
- For sale: Garmin 396, GXM30 XM antenna, and all accessories
- Chandler-Evans carb & BTH mags...
- R-80 Tiger Moth Project
- ROTEC R2800 For Sale
- Need MA-2 Carburetor
- WTB skis for a champ 1500-2000s
- Cessna 170B 1955 For Sale
- 1956 Cessna 172
- Sport Pilot Instructor/CFI Gleim Manuals For Sale
- 1952 Cessna 170B For Sale
- Weight and Balance App for Android - Free
- For Sale HKS 700E and Prop
- PRA Manufacturers & Service Directory
- The hangar search is on
- 2004 RV-6A for sale
- Books for sale: Homebuilding, piloting and aviation history
- Kappa Aircraft Wanted
- Cessna Skycatcher for sale 450TT
- Sky Leader 600 Available in the US.
- Vinyl Lettering/Decals/Graphics
- Free!!! Pilot's licence guide
- Pilot Emergency Parachutes
- Guardian Angel for Sale
- Sheet metal books for sale
- PA-32/34 Motorcycle and Loading System
- Full size Sopwith Baby replica for sale, Rotec radial engine
- VW/KR engine parts
- Cessna 340
- Miller Diversion 180 TIG Welder
- Extra 300 L for sale in Europe
- Experimental Aircraft Exhaust
- Wanted KLN-94 GPS
- Aircraft Hardware and Pilot Supplies
- WANTED : Kinner Exhaust Assembly
- WANTED: Bendix/King KLN-94, KI-209A and MD41-524/1524
- EZ-EV composite electric kit car - one week build time!
- Ram I-pad mount
- Voltage regulator
- For sale - proven long-ez
- Wanted: Rotor blades for a Hughes 269
- Wanted: LSA (Flight Design CTs, Remos, Tecnam, Ikarus) Wreck
- For Sale: Hiperbipe Airplane w/ Sorrell landing gear
- Challenger 2 LW with 447 Rotax N-Numbered
- Free Plans - Mini-Max Ultralight and Light Sport Type
- PT-19 Wing / Control Surface Patterns
- Terra 720 Radio , working condition $300
- 1979 Piper Arrow IV For Sale
- One quarter interest in 1964 Cherokee 180C
- Sporty's Instrument Rating Course - DVD
- Cool You Tube video showing Spencer's Showroom by George Ford
- FS: Airpark Home Near Albuquerque
- Custom Aircraft Exhaust
- Sensenich 76x60 Metal Propeller
- IAR-823 FOR SALE! Several available. Romanian Air Force training Aircraft- Warbird!
- FOR SALE: Aviation Theme KOOZIES! Neoprene koozies fit bottles or cans
- Garmin 396, GXM30 XM antenna and accessories +AirGizmo
- 1940 Piper J5A
- Headsets for Sale
- Our Largest Quadrant yet with 8 indent flap control
- Narco AT 150 TSO AR 850 Encoder for Trade
- WANTED - GARMIN 430W manual from ZD Publishing
- Avionics Shop/FAA Repair Stations For Sale
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