View Full Version : Learning to Fly
- New Beginnings
- PPC and WSC Private Pilot Instruction Wanted.
- Sporty's Complete Flight Training Course
- Flare
- Civil air patrol
- Student's First Lesson
- Rod Machado's new sport pilot book is now out!
- Bi-Annual Checkride in MI
- 3rd class medical expiration question
- Build, then fly?
- Frustrated sport pilot student
- Best path?
- training in a home built aircraft?
- Rc flight simulators??????
- E-Flight Apprentice good first plane?
- Can you go straight to the Airlines, Or must Regional come first?
- Where do I start Sportys ground school?
- Accelerated primary training - good idea?
- Tips on Learning to Fly?
- Legally blind in one eye
- Any Helicopter Pilots out there?
- Zenith CH701 instructor
- Aviation video tutorial
- Too old to start?
- where is the best place to learn to fly ?
- Solo Flying Minimum Age?
- Time from Start to Airlines?
- Pretty good weekend
- Earning My Recreational License
- Typical Fees and hidden expenses
- Is Embry Riddle Worth It?
- 3rd class medical - drivers license comments
- New Cessna Skycatcher Sport Pilot Training
- Here's something you instructors might find useful... or not.
- Tailwheel endorsement
- New Flight School - Owasso, Oklahoma
- Non owner insurance
- Barrier to student pilot starts
- 17 with my training wings
- Finding the Money
- Trying to locate a CFI in my area?
- CFI checkout needed in Boise Idaho
- "SAFE" Master Flight Instructor Program
- Tailwheel Trainers
- Getting my Sport Pilot Certificate, Start to Finish
- Passing the written pilot test
- Looking for Sport Pilot Examiners - Weight Shift Trike Training - In Los Angeles Area
- cool flight simulater
- Earning PPL in a Light Sport Airplane ?
- A Basic Pilot Skill
- needing to learn about flight
- Young Eagle flying lessons Merit Booster
- The Third Test
- ACTUAL steps to Sport Pilot Certificate?
- Medical
- How Long To Solo?
- New to sport & looking for best method.
- Oskosh safe flight
- Tailwheel Endorsement
- Getting the most out of your flight training
- I want to learn to fly a powered parachute!
- Can a CFI-SP instruct with a C150?
- Bjs
- Flight Review Single/Multi
- experimental aircraft/ usefull load
- Do I need to Relearn how to fly?
- 3rd class medical denied ...
- Great free interactive lessons!
- Flight Training Advice?
- FAA TV..... Climb VIA....New Phraseology.
- Safety: EAA type accidents
- student pilot in OKC looking for an instructor.
- Loans to fly ... help!
- Renewing Medical. Will I need DUI Red Tape Again?
- Is learning to fly hard?
- Learning to fly Ultralights
- School Offering OVER "Eco-Flight: Safaris From the Sky" Crikey t aint DOYNJIRUSS Mate
- Bloomington, ILL instructors
- Trade work for private pilot lessons
- AZ CFI needs contacts or work
- Minnesota CFI
- Aviation scholarships and loans
- Pulse Oximeter Technology Use By Pilots To Prevent Hypoxia
- Getting your medical certificate
- Central IL Student SP looking for Instructor
- Presolo test needed?
- Not a good idea
- Offering flight lessons in a homebuilt?
- Devil talking
- A&P Mechanic looking to obtain my Private Pilot License
- Really Dumb FAA Move
- Greetings from Brisbane and my first question
- Getting Money to Complete My Flight Training
- Accelerated sport pilot flight training recomenditions
- Wheel Landings
- I Think It Is Time
- Harrison Ford scholarship
- Private Pilot Practical Test Prerequisites and Performance
- 90% Done, 50% to go...
- Private Pilot SEL and Amphibians
- Career Path to Airlines
- Any Harley Pilots?
- All most completly new to air plane and everything- Please Help!
- Can you print out an E6-B?
- Flight Lessons in Texoma?
- Free eBook - How To Be a Pilot
- Relaxing while learning how to land
- Flying Lessons at KFRG (Republic Airport/Farmingdale, NY)
- Sport Pilot Training center coming to Central IL
- Sport Pilot Training Needed in Montgomery, AL (and everywhere else...)
- The end goal – flying my own LSA amphib
- cross country troubles
- For "Pilotgirl" re Finding The Airport
- Flight school soon
- What's a guy to do? Can't find Sport Pilot training anywhere close
- Crash research
- Free Webinar: "Learning to Fly" - Wednesday, 10/16 at 7:00PM CDT
- I want to be a pilot. Any advice?
- Girls Learning To Flyue
- Living in China, would you get a PPL in the US or elsewhere?
- New Sport Pilot Questions
- 3rd Class Medical Cetificate(continuation)
- Schools of Thought on the Flight School
- Tower vs Uncontrolled Airport
- Stearman Instruction ?
- Exercising the most amount of privilages of the SP license
- Flight School Info Please
- How to fly into a control towered airport
- Accident recording
- Charts or iPads?
- Driving permits and aviation medicals
- Did my instrument check
- Getting Started Flying
- Questions on how to transition from Private Pilot to a Sport Pilot in a LSA
- Transition from airplane to weight shift control
- Test on Deciphering METARs and TAFs
- Flight Instructor Attitudes
- Tailwheel PPL near Pittsburgh?
- Free flight lessons 111111
- Learn to fly in N Central WV
- How long to solo?
- Wanted: Private pilot course
- Moving to US
- Tailwheel endorsement
- Looking For Sport Pilot Instructor Southern New Jersey
- Perfect landing
- Sleep Apnea and Third Class Medical
- Audiobook of Airplane Plane Flying Handbook (Free)
- Get training in my own LSA???
- Cross-country planning advice needed
- Daughter flying
- (Electric) rotary wing
- The Way We Learn
- Sport Flight Instructors
- E6-B Recommendation
- Zodiac 601xl-b
- Can You Solo In A Week?
- Student sports pilot to Airplane owner
- Ultralight Trike Training in the Twin Cities area
- New to the aviation world and the forum... ready to jump in and have questions!
- Sport Pilot
- Buying your own plane for training
- Dropping things from airplane
- Hi y'all, where do I start?
- Soloed years ago, wanting to get back flying
- Flight planning using Class B airport as navaid?
- Student Pilot
- N registered Aircraft and pilot's license
- Free Flying Lessons
- Practice Tests
- Proposed Rules changes what does it mean for us Sport Pilots
- Amphibian hard surface landing
- Best way to prepare for sport pilot written test
- Miles - always nautical?
- Question about Class 3 Medical...
- Looking to Obtain the Sport Pilot Certificate
- A new certificate to learn.
- RV-10 as a trainer
- Sport Pilot Training
- Recommendations for immersion flight training
- Flight Training at Airizona Flying Circus 2017 Starts Today 2/9 thru Sunday 2/12
- Trying to Fly ~ Looking for you all to help guide me!
- Sport Pilot Flight Training in Airizona
- Are you looking for a location to rent a LSA (Sport Plane) or want to learn to fly
- Sport Pilot medical
- How hard Is it to get job after A & P class?
- why can't you lease a small plane?
- I heard felon cant work at an airpoort, even with A &P, how can this be true?
- New bulit A320 simulator took off in the early morning at PVG
- I'm too heavy to become a Sport Pilot- RATZ!
- Help me sir!
- How is EAA Actively promoting the Sport Pilot program
- Some questions about becoming a professional pilot
- EAA Sport Pilot Academy
- FAA Part 103.15 Congested areas?
- Seeking a Taylorcraft CFI in Puget Sound area
- Let’s talk AWOS/ASOS, or the lack of it.....
- Sport Pilot Training Practical
- Pilot Health Reg Questions
- "Dry Run" a Class 3 Medical
- Legal Access to Local Airport - FAR Part 103 Flying
- Non flying solo flight training via a Penguin
- Training toward PPL but move to Sport Pilot now
- Asking for Contact Help
- Doubts to make an helicopter
- How long to solo for students
- Sport Pilot Training Near Sarnia?
- Learning to Fly by a complete novice
- Austin TX area flight Schools or EAA / USHGPA contacts.
- For Sale, Private Pilot Course and Commerical Pilot Course, Test Books
- New Year's Pilot Resolutions
- CFI needed for a Mustang II
- 80 hour student. Noob to Simulators. Recommendations.
- gyrocopter flight training
- 2020 Sport Pilot Academy
- Hand Control for BONANZA A36
- Question about IFR requirements
- Looking for Cfi north west suburbs of chicago
- Question about practice tests on Sportys re: cross country section
- Experimental 51% Rule
- Medical Delay?
- Dilemma (sort of) about where to start in my quest for the air...
- Sport Pilot CFI
- Medical special issuance vs training, fallback plans if can't solo?
- Analytical, Imaginary and Real
- VANS Transition Training
- Wanting to learn to fly in my own bird
- Anyone have experience with Advanced International Aviation Academy in Sacramento, CA
- Mosaic and sport flying
- Best book for sport piloting
- ATP SE add-on / Chicago
- Nervous student pilot
- Flight Map
- SkyVector question
- Getting Started Again
- Transition Training (Bushcat or Zenith 701/750)
- FAA Medical Denial
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