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Thread: Aviatinon Spending and the Economy

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    L16, where do you live? Attitudes toward M J vary a lot from different states, but of course if you are talking about flying or even more so driving a school bus, then no drugs should be used including some over the counter ones that can affect you and no alcohol in eight hours or in the system.
    For normal activities, its not so critical, I dont use it but like most people may drive after a beer for lunch.

  2. #12
    L16 Pilot's Avatar
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    Wisconsin: where we already have proposals to legalize MJ. I see no useful purpose for another mind altering drug and as far as tax revenue goes I would rather pay more taxes than having this stuff available. But more to the point, the economy and jobs: if a person cannot pass a "required" drug test he/she won't be able to hold some jobs. Also, contrary to what some folks dispute it is a 'gateway drug' in many cases and you are supposed to state if you used any drugs (or DWI) when you apply to renew your pilots license.
    If God had intended man to fly He would have given us more money!

  3. #13

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    Jul 2011
    Mike, if you take a look at so many assembly lines, not just auto, there is automation where there used to be more labor people, like the high wage union jobs that used to be in Detroit on the assembly lines, and certainly compare it to the ultra modern production like Honda, Boeing etc even at Harley Davidson. Think of machine made printed circuit boards vs hand soldering all the connections for tvs computers, avionics,appliances . My examples may not be the best or most up to date. And you may dislike Buffet or Gates and call them names that you feel are derogatory, but really, if you want to talk about making money and our economy, who would you want to listen to, someone who was not successful? If for marketing Sam Walton would be a "rightist" authority., or the Whole Foods ceos. etc. Ive seen the Ford/Jaguar auto paint system in the same factory where Spitfires were built. Gates and Buffet dont need to open any factories offshore, or really any more money. Gates gave an informed opinion with automation only one part of the discussion that I recalled. But hey, if you dont like them and therefore dont respect what he said, then you can find someone who is right wing and a business failure to follow.And the largest value company in the history of the world, Apple certainly didn't make all those millions of items by hand labor.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-17-2017 at 01:55 PM.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    L16, If you dislike mj dont use it, but I think you are off on some facts. I just phoned the FAA med experts re the renewal form. If does not ask if you have ever "used any drugs" or alcohol, it asks if youve been arrested or convicted or suspended for drugs or alcohol, a much different matter. And there are states like Colorado with a thriving economy with legal mj just as there are without it. Its probably healthier for you than cheese curds!
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-17-2017 at 02:19 PM.

  5. #15
    L16 Pilot's Avatar
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    If that's the case I stand corrected but I remember a question on drugs and alcohol when I recently completed my "basic med" so your "FAA" answer is most likely correct. I don't eat cheese curds either which is why I'm still in pretty good shape considering my advanced age.
    If God had intended man to fly He would have given us more money!

  6. #16

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    Jul 2011
    Neither Gates nor Buffet in the discussion that I heard ever said anything like "shipping the same job to somebody who will do it cheaper being equivalent to automaton". Those are your words, and since they didnt say them, but you attribute "mixed message" to them, its reasonable to see that's your bias towards them. Did you even heard the talk on tv that I refer to, or you just suppose that is what they must have said? And my friends usually call me Bill, but for us Mr. Greenwood is it.We've never met either ,but dont think that would change like or dislike.
    Mr. Mike, I did take a look at your expert book from 1946, could not make much sense of it nor see it apply to the 2017 economy, and I never heard of him in business school. My topic was the economy now and affect on aviation. Not sure what yours is but not what I m interested in .
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-29-2017 at 08:36 AM.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    I still think that General Aviation, due to the waning interest in it, is going to revert back to the way it was in the early days.

    There will be the wealthy with fancy airplanes, replacing Art Deco and polished metal for composites and whiz bang electronics.

    There will be guys building planes in their garages, spreading the cost over time, and making antennas...or nursing very old Certified planes.

    I think the middle ground of the average Joe buying a C172 to fly on the weekends, as in the 1970's, is over.

    Unless....dormant airplanes start coming out of hangars and into the market in numbers enough to lower the prices, and there's a decent marking effort by AOPA and EAA to attract new pilots, highlighting the new affordability. My Magic 8 ball says "outcome not likely."
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

  8. #18
    DaleB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Giger View Post
    Unless....dormant airplanes start coming out of hangars and into the market in numbers enough to lower the prices, and there's a decent marking effort by AOPA and EAA to attract new pilots, highlighting the new affordability. My Magic 8 ball says "outcome not likely."
    Frank, I don't think even lowered prices will do much. When I started airplane shopping several years back, before reason and sanity set in (or departed, I'm not quite sure which) and I decided to build, I found a lot of airplanes I could afford to buy. Didn't do so well finding one I could afford to own. I don't think it's really so much the purchase price that scares people off, it's the breathtaking cost per hour of flying for gas, repairs and maintenance for those 40-70 year old airplanes most people could afford to buy.
    Measure twice, cut once...
    scratch head, shrug, shim to fit.

    Flying an RV-12. I am building a Fisher Celebrity, slowly.

  9. #19

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    Recent economic reports are lower airliner sales, I don't understand that , but its what I read, and higher housing figures like starts. The most recent appointee to the Federal Reserve Board yesterday said economic conditions warrant slowly higher interest rates. That's a major change from a few years back when rates were really low to stimulate the economy.

  10. #20

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    Aug 2011
    I have to say that the last couple of weeks my sleepy - read deserted - airport has seen a lot of folks pulling their airplanes out of hangars. At one point last week there were six - SIX - aircraft active (in some way or another) at the same time.
    The opinions and statements of this poster are largely based on facts and portray a possible version of the actual events.

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