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Thread: Fond du Lac County Airport 20 minutes away from AirVenture 2024

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2023

    Fond du Lac County Airport 20 minutes away from AirVenture 2024

    Hey Everyone,

    If you are looking to get out of some of the congestion but still be within striking distance of AirVenture 2024 base at the Fond du Lac Airport 18 miles away. If flying, its pretty easy to call the tower and come right in. Parking at the airport in the grass is $35 dollars a week. Camping under your wing with access to showers is $70 for the week. Drive in camping is available (no electrical hook-ups) for $70 per week. See Chapter's 572 command trailer next to the terminal for sign-up and information. Bus shuttles to and from Oshkosh on the hour have been $35 per person per day. All parking and camping proceeds go to EAA Chapter 572. For more information, email Larry at
    Last edited by lwunsch; 01-26-2024 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    New Hampshire
    I parked at FLD and did the bus some years ago. Worked pretty good.

    Best of luck,


  3. #3
    steve's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    We landed and camped at FLD back in 2010, the Sploshkosh year. Fortunately for us, one of our group's brother lived nearby and loaned us his Chevy Suburban for the week. Best of all, the Hilton let us park it in their lot all week long.

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