I wonder if anyone is keeping track of the average age of the crowd. While attendance keeps creeping up, it sure looks like the age is too. Not too many younguns can afford the ever increasing amount of serviced sites and high tech gizmos on display. It’s hard getting around in the heat for us with more years behind than ahead. I was feeling like I was about to collapse a bit south of homebuilts. Nowhere to cool down, no way to get back to the rv. Just people staring out from icy cold members only buildings and golf carts zipping by on their way to get some more grey poupon. I read somewhere that even the volunteer driven handicap golf carts were canceled this year. I guess there’s no profit in selling $2 bottled water and $15 hamburgers.

Really, for what we pay in admission, parking, camping, and necessities of life, and the vendors pay just for a little booth, the EAA should throw the membership a bone. Giving away a 20 cent bottle of water or adding a/c to a few of their buildings, like the clothing stores where people can buy things, won’t cause them to go bankrupt. Add a tram route through Boeing square with stops on either side, even if it has to be stopped for movements. Another single small tram to shuttle between the red warbirds stop and the actual warbirds and tri-motor. Make it handicap prioritized. Whether you believe in climate change or not, it’s getting hotter for the event and the attendees are getting older. If we can’t change the date to something more comfortable, at least we should try to compensate for the effects.