Quote Originally Posted by bigdog View Post
Use some shim stock between the nose bar and your work piece. Back the nose piece off an additional radius from the bend line. In your case you'd need .125" stock but that probably won't handle the zero radius without cracking so maybe try 4 layers of .032". Once the shims are bent, you can reuse them for other bends. They only need to be as long as the bend you are making.
My thought was basically the same. What we do, is use 6061-O (soft) and shear off a hunk about 1" wide and bend as tight as possible; putting some narrow 90 degree bends along the length allows the formed part to grip the fingers. Depending on the radius required, you can use various thicknesses of material and multiple layers like bigdog indicates.
An example is for a 1/16" radius in 2024T3, a hunk of 0.032" 6061-O about 2" wide by 18" long has 1/4" flanges bent up on each long edge, and then bent tight with the sharp fingers; then tapped closer with a hammer on the bench. Then a second similar piece 2.375" wide with similar 1/4" flanges, then bent tight using the 1st piece seated on the nose of the sharp fingers, then tapped closed tight on the first piece. The flanges allow you to push the pair over the fingers and stay there, and using proper setback, the 2024T3 can be bent with no fracturing.
And practice.
Good luck-