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Thread: EAA Technical Counselors

  1. #1

    EAA Technical Counselors

    First time builder here. Two years into Bearhawk LSA scratch build project. I've had two visits with a technical counselor. Great guy and generous with support and enthusiasm.

    What is a good way to thank a TC for taking the time to come out and visit? It's likely a 45 minute or more round trip for him and so far I've only made him coffee.

    How to elicit a more critical response than "you're doing great" and "you're too hard on yourself" when I raise concerns about my progress? Naturally, my work is not perfect and yes "perfection is the enemy of completion". But as a first-timer...

    How many times should I request a TC visit? Can I work with more than one TC?

    What has been your experience with EAA Technical Counselors?
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  2. #2
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Jul 2011
    I've had great technical counselors in the chapters I'm in.

    As far as compensation, I used to have an A&P friend who'd do the condition inspection on my airplane for free. Every year, I'd give him one of those really fancy, moderately expensive Commemorative Air Force calendars or a good hardcover book that matched some of his other interests.

    Buy your TC a CAF or EAA calendar!

    Ron Wanttaja

  3. #3
    cub builder's Avatar
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    As a tech counselor, your thanks is enough. I'm there to share what's in my head and really seek nothing in return other than to see you safely enjoying your creation when it's done. If you want to have another tech counselor look over your work, or ask their advice, that's fine. Just understand that our opinions may not always be the same, so don't pit one against the other. Sometimes the other guys have better ideas or methods than me and vice-versa. We're just there as a resource to help you to build a plane you can safely fly.

  4. #4
    melann's Avatar
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    I actually encourage builders to use different TCs. Different people see different things. As far as number of visits, I recommend first TC visit when you are ready to close up your first item. The TC should, at that time, should recommend when to call for next visit. As a DAR, I feel good when a builder has had 3 - 5 TC visits.

    As far as compensation, we don't expect anything. We do this to share our knowledge and to make sure your aircraft is as good and as safe as you can make it.
    Last edited by melann; 08-29-2022 at 07:13 AM.
    Mel, DAR since the Last Century, Specializing in Light-Sport and Experimental Aircraft. Certificated over 1,100 Light-Sport & Experimental aircraft.

  5. #5
    CarlOrton's Avatar
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    While TC visits are not allowed to be compensated, I usually provide some gas money, especially if distance is involved. As others noted, a nice trinket would be appreciated as well.

    There is no min or max number of visits. 3 is a good min. After set up, about mid point after you’ve mastered your skills, and during the “systems” stuff.

    Different TCs have different skill sets and experience. When we fill out application paperwork, we list our comfort areas. Fabric, wood, composites, etc. Some builders want scratch build tips, whereas others just want kit tips. I once had a builder get ticked at me because I didn’t know how to hand-form rib flanges. I’d only ever used flanging dies, and he thought I should know ALL metal skills. Not all TCs are A & Ps.

    Carl Orton
    Sonex #1170 / Zenith 750 Cruzer

  6. #6
    I had an excellent visit from my EAA Tech counselor. He was very helpful and supportive. I gave him some goodies to keep in his hangar frig.

  7. #7
    MPerkins's Avatar
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    I agree with everything said about having several TCs on a project. I have never seen a downside to this, and it seems that each TC has always had his own valuable input. But there seems to be a bit of possessiveness by TCs that it's their project. I know that I want to have lots experienced eyes on my projects, the more the merrier. We all bring our different expertise to the benefit of our builders.

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