The Good:

- The (I think) new vintage tram tour. Our narrator was very knowledgeable and we learned a lot.
- Seabase was relaxing as always and the busses were running efficiently
- The volunteers in general are almost always very friendly and inviting
- Seeing a Mig 29 in action

The Bad:
- As someone above stated, half the museum is closed off every year. My son has been wanted to see that area for a few years now, and we don't get to Oshkosh any other time.
- A few people in the non-24 hour generator area way out south in the campground didn't get the message
- I miss the Ford tent.
- It would have been nice to have a B17 and the B24 on display
- The near miss from a seaplane pilot a little over exuberant on the the throttles that caused the dock attendant to go into the water. That could have been a bad accident.