This is bad, really bad for me. I retired in 2019 after many years in product design, used many different CAD programs - Xerox Expert in the mid 80s, Pro E in the 90s, Solidworks from 2000 onwards. I found out about the 'free' S/W version from EAA and have been using it for numerous projects, but they cannot be made public or hang out on the web. Too much intellectual property at stake. I've got too many assemblies, subassemblies and parts to store in the cloud on someone's server I have no control over. Not going to happen.

I'd like to stick with S/W but now I'll have to look at Alibre or Onshape, but they have their limitations too. Over 20 years invested in S/W and now they do this. Just awful, truly awful. Goodbye S/W.