Quote Originally Posted by mazdaP5 View Post
IDK, EAA made it pretty clear that they didn't want a bunch of people showing up and risking the health of the community and employees. I think it's pretty sad the EAA had to spend money (that we don't have) into security because of people showing up unwelcome, unable to accept the decision to cancel for the year.
Thats the thing, no one was showing up risking anything. Also, It is not EAA's job to say we are "Unwelcome"...It isn't EAA's airport. It's obvious you don't get why we go to Oshkosh....It isn't for the show... It's for the people. Since when have EAA'ers become wild and crazy vigilantes? Some of the staffers said they were handing out Lifetime bans if you were caught on the grounds. Really? seems a bit excessive. The EAA is struggling on the optics of this..... meanwhile, they post pictures on social media of the goings on at EAA and on the grounds with employees.....not wearing mask or social distancing. So what is the real concern? Health and safety or control? Regardless, we had a great time in OSH, and felt most Welcomed by our new friends and fellow EAA'ers. Can't wait till next year!