I am confident that the EAA would never choose to put National and International visitors in jeopardy. Until solid test data from across the country is available to the professional epidemiologists all any of us can do is wait and see. Since the world does in fact revolve around me and my situation - lol - I've had my AirVenture motel room secured since last July and can cancel it without penalty almost up to the last minute, my AirVenture $$$ is safely set aside in my savings account, and I'm still gathering new and old jokes anticipating my conductor duties in July.

That said, I have truly enjoyed MY lifelong passion for all things aviation, but I recognize that lifelong passions do NOT equal life or death gratification. I started this thread and comment now with the same intent. It's OK if EAA has to cancel AirVenture this year. that would just make AirVenture 2021 that much "more".