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Thread: Aircraft Needed

  1. #1

    Aircraft Needed

    Hello all fellow Aviators!!! I am involved in a very large group that does search and rescue nationwide. ( I am not at liberty to say which group because I don't want to get myself in Hot Water) the group involves young people from the ages of 11-18. Anyway, we are in need of a donation aircraft that we can place in the woods at my farm to use for Aircrew and Ground crew search and rescue exercises. A Gutted out, rotten, tore up, beat up, ugly,never flying again 150 or similar would be awesome! If you know of one that can be obtained please reach to me. Mawilliams1966@gmail. com Thanks again!

  2. #2
    rwanttaja's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Might help if you told us what geographical area you're in...or if you're willing to drive to, say, Seattle or Maine to pick something up.

    Ron Wanttaja

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    put me in the skeptical column

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by freightgy View Post
    Hello all fellow Aviators!!! I am involved in a very large group that does search and rescue nationwide. ( I am not at liberty to say which group because I don't want to get myself in Hot Water) the group involves young people from the ages of 11-18
    Really!? A bunch of children involved in S&R? Really!? And you can't say anything because you'll get in hot water!? That's lame. Do you realize you're on a big boy forum so we are naturally skeptical of your intent and purpose?

    So I'm thinking you must be the second coming of The Hardy Boys?

  5. #5
    lnuss's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Really!? A bunch of children involved in S&R? Really!?
    His description does actually match some of what Civil Air Patrol cadets may do. As to getting in hot water, that I can't speak to, since it's been over a decade since I retired from CAP. Besides, there's no certainty that CAP is the entity involved (assuming there is one). But nationwide wouldn't leave much else of which I'm aware.

    Larry N.

  6. #6
    Sure sounds like CAP to me. Not sure what hot water it would cause except that sometimes forum folks can't help but take a second to bash CAP whenever they can. The thinly veiled subterfuge is probably more attention-grabbing, though. Why not just post "Hey, guys, I'm looking for non-airworthy fuselages and wings for a non-flying project"

    Small aviation museums may be a good resource for something like this. I was the ES Officer for my CAP group for a long time, and I did exactly that. Fortunately our home base had a bit of a derelict junk yard by our hangar. The museum let us use a fuselage from (I think) a Lance and a wing. I also grabbed some scrap corrugated metal in large pieces. Worked really well as a search target.

  7. #7
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Manassas, Virginia
    I made one up for a previous CAP unit out of corrugated metal. If the Wing has a glider, that presents another option. Trailer it to where you want the target to be and don't attach the wings. If you really want something that replicates a real crashed aircraft target, any pile of metal will do. In many...maybe most.. of the incidents I have been involved with, the crashed airplane did not resemble an airplane in any definable way anymore. Big ball of aluminum. Metal pieces strewn about. Sometimes pieces of wings and empennage. All of which can be easily fabricated with sheet metal, plywood, and paint.

    But please, don't play "I've got a secret "games. If this is being asked by a cadet -- which I suspect -- then just say so and also loop in your relevant senior member, like the Squadron ES officer.
    Chris Mayer

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