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Thread: Future events affected

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwanttaja View Post
    You're right; I should have used a term like media "Over-Hype." I'm just peeved at our local TV station using the term "Abundance of caution" six times in last night's half-hour newscast. As Randy pointed out, the average well person isn't that much at risk of dying. Having a 94-year-old father in assisted living, I'm worrying a bit about him.

    Might be, as outdoor venues, air shows would be less prone to support the disease's spread. But I doubt that'll be a factor in people's decisions.

    Ron Wanttaja
    The only confirmed deaths in the US so far from this virus happen to be where you live so I understand your local TV station telling its viewers to exercise an "abundance of caution".

    And yes, you should be concerned about your dad in assisted living. I know first hand that senior citizen facilities, even under the best of conditions and cautionary steps taken when not dealing with things like Coronavirus, are major incubators of virus and sickness spreads.

    I don't think it matters if an event is indoors or outdoors. The virus is more prone to be spread within large gatherings of human beings whether inside or out and likely affects older/seniors. Doesn't mean you'll die of course, especially if you are otherwise healthy, but you could be quite ill. And with OSH, we know the attendees skew older demo.

  2. #12
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    The only confirmed deaths in the US so far from this virus happen to be where you live so I understand your local TV station telling its viewers to exercise an "abundance of caution".
    I don't mind them using the phase once, or even twice, but six times in 30 minutes is a bit much. Then again, this particular station isn't strong in English. They misspell a LOT of words in their captions... "caughing", for instance.

    I thought this article was's a first-person account of coming down with COVID-19:

    This was in Italy. I'd hope that the stigma issues she reports won't occur in the US, but I'm not too optimistic.

    Ron Wanttaja

  3. #13
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    Ron, I understand that there are now 6 deaths from the virus in the Seattle area, 3 of them in a nursing home. I hope your dad isn't in that one. Take good care, be well.

    My niece and her husband and twin daughters live in Seattle, both work for Microsoft. They're fine. But I'm concerned even though here in Ontario we have 18 confirmed with the virus but no deaths. We have very strong provincial public health units here with plans and preparedness. At the federal government level we have a Prime Minister, a leader who doesn't need constant attention, praise and ego stroking so he allows the experts, the doctors, the epidemiologists, the entire medical and disease control system to do all the talking to inform, educate and PROTECT the public with honest, truthful and factual information.

    And that BS Vaccine that certain indivduals talk about is not just around the corner, it's at least a year away according to all the experts(you know, the scientists and researchers who create these things) and 18 months away from full distribution capability. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING OR ANYONE ELSE. Take every simple precaution to protect yourself.

  4. #14
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Floatsflyer View Post
    Ron, I understand that there are now 6 deaths from the virus in the Seattle area, 3 of them in a nursing home. I hope your dad isn't in that one. Take good care, be well.
    Thanks, Floats. My wife and I are the only Wanttajas on the West dad is about 2,000 miles away. It'll get there eventually, of course.

    They're now saying it reached Seattle about six weeks ago, which actually corresponds when my wife started feeling some pretty bad crud, which, as I said in an earlier post, matched the symptoms of COVID-19. She's recovered, now. She's contacted the local local health department to see if they want to test her.

    Frankly, I don't think they're going to be able stop this. It'll just have to run its course.

    Ron Wanttaja

  5. #15
    steve's Avatar
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    The thinking in the medical community suggests any newly developed vaccine won't be ready for clinical trials until much later this year. Distribution would be sometime after successful testing and manufacturing.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by rwanttaja View Post
    They're now saying it reached Seattle about six weeks ago, which actually corresponds when my wife started feeling some pretty bad crud, which, as I said in an earlier post, matched the symptoms of COVID-19. She's recovered, now. She's contacted the local local health department to see if they want to test her.

    Frankly, I don't think they're going to be able stop this. It'll just have to run its course.

    Ron Wanttaja
    Pleased to hear your wife has recovered. Getting tested is a great step.

    It will eventually stop. All plagues throughout history have ended. Our advanced, superior medical science and knowledge throughout the world coupled with modern hygiene and sanitary standards is the difference. Millions will not die as in the Middle Ages.

  7. #17

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    I think cold dry air in winter or airline cabins can compromise the body mucus defense and allows virus entry.
    Last edited by Bill Berson; 03-03-2020 at 12:34 AM.

  8. #18
    Airmutt's Avatar
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    Aah, but Ron we are much more mobile. Your ability to unwittingly infect others is much greater now vs the Middle Ages. The first case in Georgia, actually Atlanta, just got reported; had traveled to Milan. The rate of infection is actually starting to accelerate both here in the US and globally. Technology doesn’t really help when the vast majority of our pharmaceuticals are produced in China. 95% of all ibuprofen is manufactured in China. Granted the death rate is relatively low. If this goes pandemic even 3-5% of tens of millions is a big number.

    The ripple effect is beginning. 70% of the shoes we buy, 40% of the textiles we buy, 100% of baseball cap manufactured all come out of China. If plants are at a stand still now those shortage will appear downstream. Just saw an article stating the airlines could lose up to $30B due all of this. If people restrict travel this Spring and Summer the tourism industry will suffer. AV pumps up to $70M into the local economy and an estimated up to $200M into the state. We’re still planning to summer in Wisconsin but current events may dictate where and how we spend our time. Hopefully it include a fun week at AV.
    Dave Shaw
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  9. #19
    Auburntsts's Avatar
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    Personally I think it has been overblown:

    - More than half of those who have been infected have recovered
    - Generally the at risk population for COVID-19 is the same that is at risk from Influenza (primarily the young, old, or immuno-compromised)
    - The symptoms from COVID-19 generally fall between a bad cold (which can also be caused by other Coronavirus strains (yes Corona virus isn't new) along with 200 other viruses like Rhinovirus) and a solid case of Infuenza (aka the "Flu").
    - To add some perspective, per the CDC over 280.000 have been hospitalized and 16000+ people have died worldwide from Infuenza this flu season

    To me the only interesting thing about COVID-19 is the relatively long incubation period which is one of the reasons the virus continues to spread despite efforts to contain it. My advice, eat healthy, wash your hands, and refrain from kissing strangers. Also since ethyl alcohol kills COVID-19, I'll do my part to stem the spread at Osh and here at home by consuming my favorite adult beverages!
    Todd “I drink and know things” Stovall
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  10. #20
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auburntsts View Post
    My advice, eat healthy, wash your hands, and refrain from kissing strangers. REALLY know how to shut down a party. :-)

    Doing a Google search for "COVID-19 fatality rate vs. flu" gets a wide range of results ("It's worse!" "It's about the same!" "We can't tell yet!"). Makes you long for the calm, rational world of a presidential debate.

    Ron Wanttaja

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