Sustained noise of over 90db damages your hearing. I don't want to listen to that any more than I want to walk into a bar where it is blaring 98db. Most of the planes you can decide to experience them or not, that is if you don't like a Cirrus you don't have to look at it or climb in it. Not so with jet acts, they make so much noise (and pollution,) that you cant hear a presentation at a forum or just enjoy the conventionI enjoy seeing the B-17s fly over but they don't interfere with everything else. Jet noise has all the class of rap music. If you made a parallel of art, it would be like walking into a great art museum and having strobe lights.
EAA last year put the jet acts on the own day, at the end of the week so you could take them or leave them and I appreciate that. Or have them fly the night show.
Tastes vary, but in many cases the jets aren't the planes of history like the Mustangs or C-47s, they are often strange looking and mostly characterized by noise. One exception is the F-86 that everyone says flies great.