Just to be clear.....EAA does not supervise its membership. EAA provides resources for the education, recreation and safety of its members. Volunteer assistance programs such as Technical Counselors and First Flight Advisor do not meet the standard of supervision. Supervision implies liability and I can unequivocally state EAA does not want or assume the liability of its individual members.

The FAA is the sole authority to regulate and enforce aeronautical activity in this country. The various aviation alphabet organizations can provide policy input to the FAA and even help craft policy but enforcement authority is not delegated. So you’re out of luck there.

If you and maybe others are unhappy with your association, then vote with your feet and your wallet. If your association is broke then it’s up to the membership to fix it themselves; don’t ask others.

You seem to have a lot of passion on this issue and even some personal knowledge of past and current activities in that area. Like others, I would like to know have you contacted the local FSDO or FAST office? If yes, what was their response? If no, why are you asking others to do what you yourself have not done?