Per my previous post, "emotional support" animals have no legal status and owners have no right to demand access for them. Regarding airports. Smaller dogs (and other animals people sometimes mistake as pets) are sometimes allowed in the passenger cabin as long as they remain crated and can fit under a seat or they have their own ticketed seat. Owners will typically let them out of their crates before and after flight. That is a lot less expensive and a damn sight safer for the dog than putting it in the hold.

Last time I traveled with my own dogs -- in the baggage compartment -- my wife and I were allowed to retrieve them on the ramp. That was also a good thing for all concerned. many airlines won't handle dogs as large as Rottweilers at all any more. We bring our current set lots of places for socialization (at 9 mos., they are still puppies) and one really likes coming with me to the airport. I have no idea why. I would never, however, bring them to an airshow. When she gets full grown, I might see if I can rent her out as a tug.