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Thread: You know you're getting old when...

  1. #1

    You know you're getting old when...

    Someone in a golf cart stops and says "You guys look like you need a ride".

    How bout' you?

  2. #2
    robert l's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunInAviation View Post
    Someone in a golf cart stops and says "You guys look like you need a ride".

    How bout' you?
    In 2011, my first AirVenture, already into my 60's, and all the ailments that go along with age, that very scenario took place. My flying buddy (he's 26 years my junior, and very impatient) were staying at Sleepy Hollow Camp ground and he never wanted to wait for the camp personnel to give us a ride to the main gate, so we walked, and walked, and walked. Our flight home was cancelled and we had to stay an extra day so I suggested we go back to the Red One Market and buy one more pack of hot dogs to get us through one more day. After we got into the main gate and limping along, this golf cart stopped and asked us if we wanted a ride, duh! I was up front, making conversation and my buddy was sitting in the back when he recognized the driver, the man himlelf, Mr. Poberezny. We had a great talk, he said we talked funny, (we're from South Carolina) and I said no, YOU talk funny. We laughed and he said his mother was from North Carolina and his father was Russian. Anyway, we have autographed pictures or Paul and his P-51. I feel very privileged to have met the man that started it all. RIP Mr. Poberezny.

  3. #3
    Jim Rosenow's Avatar
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    ..... you remember your dad getting the family tickets to some airshow in Rockford in 1962 that had a bunch of home-built airplanes, seeing the original Red Devils (bonus points to whoever can name the original members) in their Stearmans...<< (that group that eventually became the Eagles), and getting a ride in a Tri-Motor :-)

    ...... you remember pitching your tent at OSH, ten years later, just on the other side of a snow fence along which was a line of tailed-in P-51s. I leave it to your imagination what happened to our tent when they started up for dawn patrol in the morning :-)

    ..... but I digress :-)


  4. #4

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Rosenow View Post
    ..... you remember your dad getting the family tickets to some airshow in Rockford in 1962 that had a bunch of home-built airplanes, seeing the original Red Devils (bonus points to whoever can name the original members) in their Stearmans...<< (that group that eventually became the Eagles), and getting a ride in a Tri-Motor :-)

    ...... you remember pitching your tent at OSH, ten years later, just on the other side of a snow fence along which was a line of tailed-in P-51s. I leave it to your imagination what happened to our tent when they started up for dawn patrol in the morning :-)

    ..... but I digress :-)

    I believe you mean Pitts not Stearmans. They now hang in the museum entrance along with the Christen Eagles. Tom Poberezny, Charley Hillard, Gene Soucy.

  5. #5

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    You KNOW for certain you're old, if you went to school with ME. - lol
    "Don't believe everything you see or read on the internet" - Abraham Lincoln

  6. #6
    Jim Rosenow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Stadt View Post
    I believe you mean Pitts not Stearmans. They now hang in the museum entrance along with the Christen Eagles. Tom Poberezny, Charley Hillard, Gene Soucy.
    Nope, there was no Red Devils Pitts in 1962 :-) .... The original Red Devils were Marion Cole, Bob Heuer (current IAC Prez's dad), and a third, which may (but probably not) have been Gene Soucy, (I think he would have been too young at that point). They flew red Stearmans. In 1969 they did their first 'Pitts' EAA appearance...then flying were Marion, Bob, and Gene. (Last sentence paraphrased from from EAA museum website)

    I remember it as well as the N-number of the Ford I flew on.... 414H. :-)

    Maybe Mike H. will join in and set me straight!


    PS- Either that or I'm old, and made it all up!
    Last edited by Jim Rosenow; 08-07-2019 at 10:30 AM. Reason: PS

  7. #7

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    When my first airline flight was from Hobby Airport in Houston, the old terminal, on a DC3. And about 15 years later when I flew in from Austin to the same airport to join the Air Force, it was on a twin engine prop plane, probably a Braniff Convair. Only us two guys on the plane so the young stewardess gave us full attention. She really was a flight ATTENDANT. And in those days the stews were younger than the airplanes and mostly a lot better looking. They even had good real food on the airplanes catered by Dobbs House.

  8. #8
    Mayhemxpc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FunInAviation View Post
    Someone in a golf cart stops and says "You guys look like you need a ride".

    How bout' you?
    I don't mind at all...usually because they guys in the golf cart (or Jeep) are older than me. Or at least I think they look older than me. Besides, they give a ride to whichever teen-age son is with me, too.
    Chris Mayer

  9. #9
    L16 Pilot's Avatar
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    I remember flying out of San Antonio going home from basic training (1957) landing in Chicago and hearing "(gong) Northwest Orient Airlines now leaving". They always started the notice with the "gong". Guess that makes me old .
    If God had intended man to fly He would have given us more money!

  10. #10

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    When a C47 takes you to basic training.

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