If you want all wood, not welded steel fuselage and wood wings, your selection is somewhat limited. If you want two seats -- either tandem or side by side -- your selection is reduced even further.

I started out with a specific set of requirements. No welding, all wood. Two seats, even if one is suitable only for smaller people (like kids). Able to haul my fat behind and still have more than a thimblefull of fuel. And I really wanted an open cockpit biplane. just because. And, the biggie: it had to be within Light Sport limits.

The selection criteria narrowed the choices way, way down. I was willing to budge on the all wood part, which would include Airdrome kits, but I didn't like any of their two-seaters. I eventually settled on a Fisher Celebrity. At this rate it may very well become a retirement project, but I've got a big stack of wing ribs at least.

The plans have been, so far, pretty good. As I said, not perfect -- they are plans from the 70s or 80s that have been updated and revised over time, so there are a few areas where you need to be careful to go through and find the changes.