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Thread: Best 2 Days to go to AirVenture

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    My tram conductor microphone and I spend some of the best 9 days of the year at AirVenture - I can hardly wait.

  2. #22
    I would say definitely NOT the ending weekend. Saturday may be okay, but Sunday would be a real disappointment. On Sunday everyone is ready to go home, a lot of the exhibitors are packing up, or out checking out what is left of the show, the Ultralight field is shutdown, seminars are shutdown or nearly so, Aeromart is gone (gone on Saturday).

    If you are flying in, landing at OSH, and can't be there Sunday (day before opening day) you might want to avoid Monday and Tuesday because the airplane parking and camping will probably be full.

    I'm there for the whole show!

  3. #23
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    Aug 2011
    NC26 (Catawba, NC)
    Usually (at least down in Vintage) we start to have departures on Tuesday (people come way early, socialize, hit one day of the exhibit buildings and leave). This opens up some spaces as we start to back fill.

  4. #24

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Gwinn, Michigan
    Ge Randy, hope you got some better jokes this time LOL

  5. #25

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    In the off months I always collect new material in preparation - some of my oldies and goodies will remain a part of my tour set, but I DO rotate in new stuff - not saying they are 'better', just new - lol

  6. #26

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Randy, do we get audience participation on your tram? That is if you asked over the mike, "Folks hold up you hands if you'd really like to hear some really corny jokes? Ok, we've got to keep you amused for that long shift. I have found most of the tram drivers to be nice folks like yourself, but there is one woman that is an exception, she just always seemed to be in a bad mood and has a really bossy manner of talking to people. I don't have a name, but is this by any chance the one who caused so much trouble when she worked up at north parking a few years back? After multiple complaints over at least 2 years, EAA removed her, but I don't know if she is still on the field. It was said she was related to someone in EAA hierarchy which was how she got in and the winter job was a prison guard, not making that up.

  7. #27

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Randy, do we get audience participation on your tram? That is if you asked over the mike, "Folks hold up you hands if you'd really like to hear some really corny jokes? Ok, we've got to keep you amused for that long shift. I have found most of the tram drivers to be nice folks like yourself, but there is one woman that is an exception, she just always seemed to be in a bad mood and has a really bossy manner of talking to people. I don't have a name, but is this by any chance the one who caused so much trouble when she worked up at north parking a few years back? After multiple complaints over at least 2 years, EAA removed her, but I don't know if she is still on the field. It was said she was related to someone in EAA hierarchy which was how she got in and the winter job was a prison guard, not making that up.
    Bill, I think I may have run into that bossy woman last year. I was waiting for a tram by the tower stop, and the one I was waiting for didn't park in the designated area. This lady came over and asked the tram driver "Why are you parked here?", and the tone in which she asked it was really rude! I think the response she got was that they were told to park there.

  8. #28

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Randy, do we get audience participation on your tram? That is if you asked over the mike, "Folks hold up you hands if you'd really like to hear some really corny jokes?"

    I have on MANY tram runs asked that very question over the mike, "Items of interest and crummy jokes, or just items of interest?" Sometimes I even go with the outcome of that vote - LOL. During my 'off-duty' time I can be found roaming the grounds to learn where things are and what airplanes and vendors are in the tram passenger's field of view, I take notes and then memorize the data for presentation during each run, in between the ALWAYS G-Rated mirth-making. Folks seem to appreciate it. I spend 6-10+ hours each of the nine days I'm at AirVenture as a tram conductor. I really enjoy interacting with people, and if I didn't have 'fancy patter' I'd just be some mope getting dragged around by a John Deere only announcing stops. Yuck.

    And YES, I think I know exactly who the 'charming' lady you are referencing is. lol
    Last edited by CHICAGORANDY; 02-20-2019 at 08:35 AM.

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Gwinn, Michigan
    Randy, one thing i noticed when helping out with airplane greeters on north 40 at night is the cemetary across the street has LED lights on almost all the headstones there. At times when letting my conductor drive to give me a break I have told people about that and at night, I will see people wandering around in that area to check them out.

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I tell passengers it's where they put the people who DON'T laugh at my jokes.

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