Quote Originally Posted by FlyingRon View Post
- One issue of prophylactics
Reminds me of one of my favorite stories, and this is a flimsy enough excuse to tell it.

A co-worker's father was a Navy pilot in WWII. They used prophylactics to cover the pitot tubes of the airplanes.

They'd run low, so they sent our hero (a humble ensign) into town to pick up some more. He went to the drug store and bought a box holding a gross of them. That's 144, for those of us long out of grade school.

Anyway, he got back to the base. Being a Government operation, of course, they had to inventory what he'd bought, and lo and behold, there were only 143 in the box.

They sent the ensign back the next day to get the replacement. As the druggist was handing it over, he said...

"Hope it didn't ruin your night."

Ron Wanttaja