Quote Originally Posted by Eric Witherspoon View Post
I searched for this and didn't find any other threads, so I don't think this has come up before. At Copperstate this year, I attended the forum presented by the person from EAA HQ. One question that came up had to do with what it would take to get other EAA magazine titles to be available online. His reply was that it's quite expensive to do.

I thought, this is an organization where a lot of stuff gets done by volunteers. A lot of us have scanners that can generate .pdf files.

Might not get all the fancy indexing / searching features, but could we, the members, volunteer to create .pdf files of the various other magazine titles that EAA has published over the years?

Get enough people involved, and each person scans an issue or two, and it's done.

At some point, someone could sub-divide the complete-issue files in to single-article files to create searchable tables of contents, but at least the info that is currently "lost" locked away in hardcopies could be made more readily accessible.

Anyone interested? In particular, I'd be interested in the old hardcopy Experimenters...
I'm working on this Eric...old Experimenter, specifically. It's in my top 5 key issues, and I hope to have the old archives available online next year, but I don't have a specific timeline or commitment yet from those that will do this, but it will be a member-only benefit.