Friday's list from BeagleOne. Good: I've had several excellent meals at the Hangar Cafe. I love that that old building is still there and in use. Although it's spelled "Hanger" on the menu boards, haha. Seeing the warbirds flying. They put on an excellent show. It's wonderful to see and hear those planes flying. Thank you, pilots. The Honor Flight reception. Finally giving VietNam vets the welcome they deserve. Just fantastic.

I've ridden the museum bus today and yesterday and it seems to be much faster and more efficient than in previous years.

The bad. I didn't get to see Dick Cole today. Apparently he was unable to attend the morning session at the Welcome Center, and when I got to the museum for his 1 p.m. talk, the line to get into the theatre was about double the seating capacity, and one of the volunteers told me they weren't sure Col. Cole would be able to attend that presentation either. Not sure if he did. He is a living legend and at almost 103, it's incredible that he is still willing and able to come to Oshkosh. I hope he is okay.

The ugly. During the pre-Heritage Flight F-16 performance, I was at airshow center right on the flightline, and there was some absolute idiot of a father carrying his young son, who had no ear protection. The poor boy was shrieking and crying every time the F-16 went by, and all the father did was hug and kiss the kid. He made no attempt to cover his ears. I would normally never say anything to a parent about what is going on with their child, but this boy was in great distress. So I finally said, "He needs ear protection, this is far too loud for him!" The father just kept on doing what he was doing, and the boy kept on shrieking and crying. Poor little guy.