Good morning,

Since no one else has checked in here, I will offer the info that Art Scholl Aviation still appears to be in business. They even have a web site. I think that I recall that Mrs. Scholl was Judy, although I am not sure if she is still alive. Anyway, a telephone call and a nice inquiry about the history might get you the answer that you are looking for.

All of that said, the crash was in September, so it is unlikely that yours was the only show that Art Scholl flew that summer.

One of the coolest fly-bys I ever saw was Art Scholl with the canopy rolled back, standing up, with one foot on the wing walk outside the airplane, waving at the crowd. My understanding was that he originally did that end of performance fly by standing with both feet on the wing, but the FAA objected.


Pitts S-2A