I can guarantee a birddog is not stalled with the main gear on the ground, PERIOD. Running out of lift does not equate to a stall. The Birddog will quite happily takeoff from the three point attitude.

What happens with high AOA's and slow airspeed is the combinatino of the decrease in lift and HIGH amounts of drag. This means you drop and slow down even faster, but it doesn't mean you're stalled.

Again, to spin you need to be:

1. stalled.
2. have an assymetric angle of attack.

Note that some of the stall/spin mystique comes from the fact that people think that all lift goes away when you stall. In fact, the lift vs. aoa curve is pretty symmetrical. What enables a spin is that before the stall an increase of AOA makes more lift, after an increase of AOA makes less lift. This is what allows the spin to self sustain.