LOL, it's absolutely true, Carl! The FAA mandates that builders place an Emergency Locator Transmitter in an aircraft so that in the event of a crash they can locate it. Unless it's a one seater with just the pilot. Then they couldn't give a rip and so an ELT is not required.

By the way who normally does the initial flight for these aircraft. With no experience in flying except in the back seat he is convinced and cannot be convinced otherwise that with a Light Sport Certificate after learning to fly in a 7-AC Champ he can handle this "Kite" ,my word not his, for its initial flight and subsequent 40 hours. Tell me I'm not crazy, please.
Typically the builder performs the first flight.

You probably aren't crazy, but most builders are a tad touched in the head, to be honest.

I did about half of my Sport Pilot training in a Champ, and was really low hour when I started flying my own aircraft from first flight; consensus in the community for my sort of aircraft is that a Champ is a good analogy for it. It may not be prudent or wise, but it's not uncommon or unusual. Certainly it makes the NTSB investigator's job a little easier in the event of a major event.