Well, of course your mileage may vary and all that, but my wife and I stay in the dorms every single year since 2005. We stay in Taylor Hall, the a/c'd dorm, although there is a new dorm (Heritage? that doesn't sound right...) that goes for 3x taylor rate that is a/c'd, but will sleep (?) 4-6 and has their own bathroom. Also, UWO says more dorms will be a/c'd in 2018. The thing we like about the dorms is the city shuttle bus that takes you to the grounds non-stop and bypasses all of the cars trying to get into a lot. We travel on different schedules, and if you only have one car, makes it easier to let each person leave/return when they want to do so instead of having to wake my wife at 5:30 so I can catch the 7:00 AM bus. She does her own thing on the grounds - she's into the museum presentations, warbirds, DC-3's, etc, and I volunteer, check out homebuilding, technology, exhibits etc. Many days I don't even see her until suppertime! We have about 12 folks we dine with at a different restaurant each night. Fun times.....