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Thread: Question for Sam Oleson

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Question for Sam Oleson

    I thought about the topic over lunch and went back to edit my posts to make sure I was staying in polite bounds, but find I cant edit my posts.

    I do have one question, recently there was a topic, not mine, about which tents were best and/or where to buy them. Its not aviation. but as far as I recall no one objected to it and it ran unopposed on the forum? Also one of mine about food, someone else last year about water bottles. Why that one and not Randy's today?

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Marietta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    I thought about the topic over lunch and went back to edit my posts to make sure I was staying in polite bounds, but find I cant edit my posts.

    I do have one question, recently there was a topic, not mine, about which tents were best and/or where to buy them. Its not aviation. but as far as I recall no one objected to it and it ran unopposed on the forum? Also one of mine about food, someone else last year about water bottles. Why that one and not Randy's today?
    I'm not Sam and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, but the tent conversation is directly related to Oshkosh and air camping.

  3. #3
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    I do have one question, recently there was a topic, not mine, about which tents were best and/or where to buy them. Its not aviation. but as far as I recall no one objected to it
    C'mon Bill, I think your arguing now just to be oppositional. C'mon man, you don't have to be a member of Mensa to see the distinct difference between discussing tents for Oshkosh and Equifax's massive security breach.

    The tents and so many other inquiries within the topic Oshkosh are clearly aviation oriented because it's about Oshkosh which I don't have to remind you is 100% aviation(well, except for the mattresses and recliners).

    The Equifax fubar is as far removed from aviation as you or I are from The Vatican. When was the last time any of us discussed our credit rating at the airport with anyone? If you say yes to this, I'll never believe you! I don't do any hangar talk/hangar flying because no one is ever at my hangar. If by chance it ever happened I wouldn't be discussing credit ratings and identity theft....guaranteed! Now cut the crap and move on.😎

  4. #4

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    Kyle, Floats, let me make 3 points and Ill try to be straightforward and clear. Now I am assuming the Equifax thing is about credit card use, not just credit rating as a separate matter and I honestly dont know for sure.
    Yes, lots of people camp at Oshkosh, thousands of them ,so they use tents, there was even a thread about best generators etc, maybe best coolers.
    But do many of these campers at Oshkosh as well as thousands of other non camping Airventure folks also USE CREDIT CARDS THERE, at an EAA AVIATION EVENT? I know I do seems to me I see lots of credit card use, just like I see tent use or golf cart use or generators or cell phones, or camera lens or sunscreen, etc. I paid my weekly EAA pass with a credit card for instance, not to mention food etc. So would a topic about id theft related to credit card use be related to EAA just like tents?. How about a topic on dark glasses to watch the eclipse, not directly aviation, but handed out at EAA by NASA etc.? Or about rent a cars or motel prices?
    My 3rd point is my main one, I think it is good manners to be accepting about another"s post on EAA, if you dont like dont read it but dont try to cut someone else down. I know the idea of free speech is an anathema to some people, but I dont think a holier than thou take on who is pure enough to be on the forum is nice. Dont think the tent topic did any harm nor the recent one on bicycles and I didnt feel called to attack someone who posted them, the bike one was interesting. Who posted that, was it Floats or 1600 ?And what harm does it do, especilly in Randy's topic where he was trying to help.

    P S if you dont think credit card use is a fit topic for EAA, to be consistent will you try to get EAA to delete it from their member benefits brochure?
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 09-11-2017 at 08:06 PM.

  5. #5
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    Yes Bill, and if my uncle had breasts, he'd be my aunt.

  6. #6
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    But do many of these campers at Oshkosh as well as thousands of other non camping Airventure folks also use credit cards there, at an EAA AVIATION EVENT? I know I do seems to me I see lots of credit card use, just like I see tent use or golf cart use or generators or cell phones, or camera lens etc. I paid my weekly EAA pass with a credit card for instance, not to mention food etc. So would a topic about id theft related to credit card use be related to EAA just like tents?. How about a topic on dark glasses to watch the eclipse, not directly aviation, but handed out at EAA by NASA etc.?
    The problem, as I've mentioned before, is that one can use that sort of logic to justify discussion on ANY topic. One can shill for Mr. Clean, to help cleanse your home and reduce changes of developing a medical condition that prevents one from flying. One can plug an investment service, to help you save enough money to afford to be able to fly. Or the Schmedly Diet, to lose weight and increase the performance of your airplane.

    A key factor, I think, is how *unique* a subject is to aviation. Few other locations discuss the right tent for Airventure. Every news source...TV, newspapers, radio, and discussing the Equifax breech. Nothing is added by discussing it here.

    Have you asked the EAA to set up a new forum section to be the unmoderated, anything-goes forum you apparently want?

    Ron Wanttaja

  7. #7

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Kyle, Floats, let me make 3 points and Ill try to be straightforward and clear. Now I am assuming the Equifax thing is about credit card use, not just credit rating as a separate matter and I honestly dont know for sure.
    Now lots of people camp at Oshkosh thousands of them so they use tents, there was even a thread about best generators etc, maybe best coolers.
    But do many of these campers at Oshkosh as well as thousands of other non camping Airventure folks also use credit cards there, at an EAA AVIATION EVENT? I know I do seems to me I see lots of credit card use, just like I see tent use or golf cart use or generators or cell phones, or camera lens etc. I paid my weekly EAA pass with a credit card for instance, not to mention food etc. So would a topic about id theft related to credit card use be related to EAA just like tents?. How about a topic on dark glasses to watch the eclipse, not directly aviation, but handed out at EAA by NASA etc.? Or about rent a cars or motel prices?
    My 3rd point is a big one, I think it is good manners to be accepting about another"s post on EAA, if you dont like dont read it but dont try to cut someone else down. I dont think the tent topic did any harm nor the recent one on bicycles and I didnt feel called to attack someone who posted them, the bike one was interesting. Who posted that, was it Floats or 1600 ?And what harm does it do, especilly in Randy's topic where he was trying to help.

    Nobody has attacked you personally (cut you down) that I'm aware of. People have posted clearly thought out views that many of your threads are not within the scope of EAA's intent for these forums. To the best of my knowledge, the discussion has always been about the posts, not the person. The great thing is that there are forums elsewhere that welcome virtually any topic. And then there is social media where pretty much anything goes. Wouldnt it be better to discuss Equifax or other non-aviation topics there and respect the desires of EAA to maintain this as an aviation forum?

  8. #8

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    Crikey! I am SO sorry I brought the Equifax issue to the EAA Forums. I've admitted I didn't know that topics are required to be aviation related and my post was meant entirely as a warning to my EAA 'friends' and was indeed NOT at all aviation related. I made the same post on several other forums/social platforms again as a friendly advisory to my internet 'friends' and family members.

    I will know better for my future posts here.

    please, please let's all stay 'friendly'?

  9. #9
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CHICAGORANDY View Post
    Crikey! I am SO sorry I brought the Equifax issue to the EAA Forums. I've admitted I didn't know that topics are required to be aviation related and my post was meant entirely as a warning to my EAA 'friends' and was indeed NOT at all aviation related. I made the same post on several other forums/social platforms again as a friendly advisory to my internet 'friends' and family members.
    DON'T take it personally. It was just a restart of a regular argument. Would have had some other trigger, at some point.

    Ron Wanttaja

  10. #10

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    Floats, I thought you of all people would have an honest response. You may disagree with everything I wrote, facts notwithstanding, but I wouldn't have made a flippant response to what you wrote.
    A molehill has become a mountain and lets leave it there. You guys will want to rest up to resume vigilance for any other post that dont measure up.
    P S, Randy nothing wrong at all with what your wrote and thanks for your desire to help others on the forum. I tried to do the same thing bout a month ago.

    Kyle, first it wasnt my thread it was Randy's and as for your suggestion that I write on another forum, Ill make the parallel one to you, why dont you read on another forum and not anything I write here? Fair enough?
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 09-11-2017 at 08:33 PM.

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