First impressions.... The Evektor with a Rotax 912 is very quiet. The cabin offered sufficient width so I didn't feel at all cramped. I quickly fell victim to sensory information overload but stayed calm enough to follow instructions and even attempt to keep the darn ball centered on turns - lol. Since I am an All the Gear cyclist I was wearing my usual heavy leather, Frankenstein thick soled boots, so I had very poor rudder feedback and in fact my right hoof was on the instructor's left rudder pedal/foot a few times. next time I'll drive out there in the Escape and wear sneakers.

Flight Sim experience at least let me know what the various dials did but not mimic the actual experience of slipping the surly bonds of Earth at all. After all the true excitement of a 'first' experience I left the field feeling that this old dog can indeed learn a new trick or two and I just might be able to learn to perform the miracle of flight.