The 2017 NOTAM Fisk VFR arrival procedure has a change for where transponders are to be set to Standby by aircraft not equipped with ADS-B Out; they can now be left on until Ripon and are then to be set to Standby. Aircraft with ADS-B Out, however, are required by FAR 91.225(f) to leave it in transmit mode at all times.

Regarding the altitude and speed for the Fisk VFR arrival, you should select the track that you are most comfortable with. If you can fly safely at 90 knots in an attitude that provides good visibility, then the lower track (90 knots at 1,800') will be best because you can maintain that altitude from Ripon to OSH. If 90 knots is just too slow for you and your airplane, then the upper track (135 knots at 2,300') is available, but be aware that you will have to descend (under ATC direction near Fisk) to 1,800' before reaching OSH.

Have a great flight!

-Fred Stadler, volunteer NOTAM chairman