View Poll Results: Should Airventure be a military airshow?

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  • I want to see more military aircraft

    19 26.39%
  • I support our veterans but lets only have one day of military stuff

    30 41.67%
  • I would like more GA and less military stuff

    21 29.17%
  • I Don't want any military aircraft at Oshkosh

    2 2.78%
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Thread: 2012 Airventure Theme

  1. #21
    I travelled from Australia for AirVenture2011 and had an absolute blast! However, the thing that REALLY got my camera shutter clicking was the military hardware. Sure, it was great to see the RV's and ultrafrights around the place, but after a while they all began to look the same. In fact, me and my mate got to the point of saying "'s just another P51" at one stage because even the numbers of Mustangs moving about the place became a little stale.

    I don't agree, in any way, that war is glorified either by AirVenture, or any airshow. The best way we can honour those killed in military service ON ALL SIDES OF THE CONFLICT is to remember them. Seeing Corsairs, P38's and the like engaged in mock strafing runs on the airfield was nothing short of amazing and I couldn't help but imagine how terrifying it must have been to be an enemy soldier on the ground experiencing the "Whistling Death" swooping down over the battelfield. Likewise, seeing Fifi and Aluminium Overcast in the air was surreal, and a great tribute to the men who fought and died in these aircraft protecting the very same ideals that our soldiers fight for today.

    I am already planning my next trip to Oshkosh, which will be 2013 at this stage. I am giving next year a miss simply because I have no interest in seeing a sea of yellow Cubs, and the tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen won't be enough to hold my interest for the full 7 days. I guess I lucked out this year with the 100 years of naval aviation celebration! But to be honest, without the large military presence, I doubt I would consider attending. I would probably look at other options such as the European military airshows around the same time as Oshkosh.

  2. #22
    steveinindy's Avatar
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    Nothing turns heads like the sound of an afterburner kicking in, and it always will.
    Maybe I am weird, but it makes me want to get as far from the flightline as possible. The only plane non-EAA owned warbird I've been excited to see was Fifi. The jets are pretty much just noisemakers and honestly, all of the aerial displays are kind of the same. It's bad to admit as a safety researcher but the only time an airshow display gets my attention is if something goes wrong. The rest of the time it's like "Oh, another loop....oh, look, a barrel roll. Someone's doing a hammerhead stall...." Don't get me wrong, I respect the cajones it takes to do that sort of thing, but it just really doesn't do it for me. Strangely enough, I'd rather watch just normal traffic. Maybe I'm weird.

    I go to Oshkosh more for the educational seminars and to talk to the manufacturers more than I go to see the airshow or the rows and rows of planes. The only thing I go to the parking areas for is to get pictures and measurements of cockpit layouts, etc for our research. It's always a bit odd trying to explain to an owner why exactly I want to get measurements and take pictures but it's a necessary evil since there are often some significant variations between aircraft of the same "type" and at least having an average helps to give an idea of the starting point for the cases in our research.

    That said, to keep attendance up (and revenue up) I will put up with the roar of the jets. It's not about what I want but making sure we can get the most people interested in whatever aspect of aviation appeals to them. I do think the little "war reenactment" on the flightline is a little bit much since it's so hokey but oh well....if the volunteers need their moment in the spotlight, let 'em have it. Anyone willing to totally give up a week of their lives to camp out and wear wool in July in Wisconsin is a die-hard. I couldn't do it.

    WHAT? Are you kidding me? Out on the North 40, where practically all are pilots, we start "speaking in tongues" when a military fighter roars overhead. Ahhh and the sound of a P-51 or a T-28. Who the hell needs Viagra?
    Whatever floats your boat man. Just be sure to clean up after your chosen paraphilia. I will agree with you on the P-51....the, it's a weird sounding bird.

  3. #23
    I would to see a lot more about electric aircraft.

    Sam Kistler EAA 1067638

  4. #24
    MickYoumans's Avatar
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    I like all aspects of flying. For me, I love seeing a good blend of it all. The last trip I made to AirVenture I thought they had something for everyone. I would like to see more fly-bys of homebuilts though. Most of the airshows were aerobatic and military planes. Considering EAA is suppose to be about experimental builds, i would love to see more experimentals have the opportunity to fly for the spectators.

  5. #25
    Steve Buss's Avatar
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    Look for more electric aircraft focus in 2012. We're already talking about how to raise the profile!


  6. #26
    Lindberg's Avatar
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    "I am giving next year a miss simply because I have no interest in seeing a sea of yellow Cubs, and the tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen won't be enough to hold my interest for the full 7 days. I guess I lucked out this year with the 100 years of naval aviation celebration! But to be honest, without the large military presence, I doubt I would consider attending."

    I hear you Scott. It seems as if Oshkosh is evolving into the "politically correct" arena and it will only be time before the "Occupy Wallstreet" gang make their presence. I have enjoyed the Tuskegee Airmen presentations. but not more than any other aviation faction. they have been coming to Oshkosh for years now and suddenly they are becoming larger than life. I have great admiration for them but only for the content of their character and a job well done but not the color of their skin.
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    Last edited by Lindberg; 11-20-2011 at 10:35 AM.

  7. #27
    Lindberg's Avatar
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    "I go to Oshkosh more for the educational seminars and to talk to the manufacturers more than I go to see the airshow or the rows and rows of planes. The only thing I go to the parking areas for is to get pictures and measurements of cockpit layouts, etc for our research."

    Then what's the beef with military aircraft? And no beer tents? Also any highly technical aeronautical discussions have occurred at the Acee Deucee Bar in Oshkosh. And the truly best part of the entire show is the arrivals of the rank and file which included me for more that 27 years. It is a big event and plenty of room for anything that flies and anyone who wants to see them. Electric? God help us all. EAA has gone green.

  8. #28
    Cherokeeflyer's Avatar
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    Eaa going green and recognizing the skin color of the Tuskegee airmen are both wonderful ideas. I worry that the occupy wall St movement would not feel very at home at Oshkosh.. But I saw Wisconsin gov Scott Walker was made very welcome last year. He even managed to let the crowd know how many new jobs he had created in I had no idea the EAA was happy to be used as a political platform...i was not amused.

  9. #29
    steveinindy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve Buss View Post

    Look for more electric aircraft focus in 2012. We're already talking about how to raise the profile!

    Easier said than done: build one that actually is more than just a glider with a tiny motor. That is...develop a practical system. I don't foresee it happening within the next 10-20 years simply due to the weight issues associated with batteries. It's an interesting proof of concept and a neat little engineering challenge but then again I'm pragmatic and want to see more than just something that can putter around the pattern with a single pilot for an hour or two at a speed resembling the old Ron White joke about the pilot of his commuter plane leaning out the window and hollering at the goose following them "GO AROUND!!!"

    Considering EAA is suppose to be about experimental builds, i would love to see more experimentals have the opportunity to fly for the spectators.
    If I remember correctly, technically many retired warbirds are classified as experimental by the FAA. Or at least that's what I've seen in a few crash reports and been told by several people. I might be wrong, but I do agree that I'd like to a broader mix than the same teams and planes year after year. Then again, I don't like airshows that much. What's going on with regards to the flightline tends to be a sideshow to the seminars and vendors so far as I am concerned.

    Then what's the beef with military aircraft?
    The noise associated with the jets. Nothing makes me grind my teeth more than having my head rattled by some guy compensating for anatomical inadequacy by engaging full afterburner.

    And no beer tents? Also any highly technical aeronautical discussions have occurred at the Acee Deucee Bar in Oshkosh
    Can't say that I have ever been. Is that an invitation?

    But I saw Wisconsin gov Scott Walker was made very welcome last year. He even managed to let the crowd know how many new jobs he had created in I had no idea the EAA was happy to be used as a political platform...i was not amused.
    Amen. He's one of the folks I point at most often when I need to illustrate what's wrong with what passes for the Republican Party these days.

  10. #30
    EAA Staff / Moderator Hal Bryan's Avatar
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    Course correction...

    Fair game topic for this board and discussion:
    Did we let a politician use Oshkosh and EAA as a political forum?

    Not fair game:
    The non-aviation related politics of any politician, party, etc.

    There are lots of other places on the web to debate pure politics.

    Thanks -


    Hal Bryan
    EAA Lifetime 638979
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    Managing Editor
    EAA—The Spirit of Aviation

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