Quote Originally Posted by 1600vw View Post
This reminds me when I walked into the FSDO office in 2010. First mistake I made. I had no idea one was to call first. I just drove on over and walked up, to a locked door. As I stood there looking at a locked door wondering what was up with this, some dude walked up. He explained to me that after 911 offices like this are locked. He asked what it was I wanted. I told him I wanted a Sport Pilot student certificate. He asked me in and handed me off to some other dude. This dude again asks what it was I was wanting. I told him. He goes through a couple stacks of papers, looks up at me and says...I have no idea what you want could you please leave. I thanked him and walked out but not before explaining..imagine going to the DMV and finding a locked door. He just stared at me as I walked out.

You should visit DMV in New Mexico. Would make your FSDO look really sharp by comparison. Sometimes the doors are locked. Every time you'd swear they had never issued a license before.
Anal inspections are to check for cranial-rectumitis. Severe cases may require a view port installation in the belly button.

-Cub Builder