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Thread: My Cuba Post

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    My Cuba Post

    Did my post about Cuba, then and now, relate to EAA and warbirds? Certainly did.
    This year at Osh one of the presentations was about U S pilots flying into Cuba. I recall that there are a number of airports, 12 or 14 I think, 2 main ones with avgas, and a few good hotels but many lesser ones and service is not up to what we'd expect here. I dont recall much else of the lecture, but on other forums I have seen many people express a desire to visit, preferably in their plane, Cuba. Many people fly into the Caribbean and there are lectures on this at EAA each year. Cuba may be moving that way and it is certainly a fit topic for EAA.
    As for our past with Cuba, it certainly has to do with warbirds. The missiles in Cuba were discovered by U2 flights, and other recon flights including one that was shot down were made over Cuba. These were certainly warbirds, as were the A26 s which took part on the Bay of Pigs invasion, and Ive seen both on display at EAA.
    My topic was not focusing on Fidel's politics, other than relates to avaition then and now. But I dont see the topic this morning, perhaps someone still has a grudge about Cuba and even a mention of vistiting there upsets them. Too bad, dont think most in the U S feel that way.
    There was one reaction to my post that was emotional, but that is not what I wrote and not my post.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-30-2016 at 11:31 PM.

  2. #2
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Did my post about Cuba, then and now, relate to EAA and warbirds? Certainly did.
    Probably not. You can claim that any subject is fair game, here, if your only criteria is that aircraft are involved. The standoff in Oregon? The government used helicopters, hence it's an aviation subject. The gubernatorial election in such-and-such state? The candidates used bizjets to get around, hence the race is a valid discussion here. The President-Elect once saw an F-15? He's a valid topic here, then.

    A better tie-in would be a discussion on the aircraft used during the Bay of Pigs, and where they might be now. Or warbirds that are painted as replicas of the aircraft used.

    Ron Wanttaja

  3. #3
    Byron J. Covey
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    There was one reaction to my post that was emotional, but that is not what I wrote and not my post.
    Yeah, I probably got your post removed with my comment. Sorry.

    BTW, an officer on that destroyer is a neighbor who competed in IAC unlimited acrobatics in an Extra 300, and flew an S-2C for after he retired from competition. He also built an RV that he still flies.


  4. #4

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    Jul 2011
    Ron ,if you have the info about where the planes are that were involoved in the invasion, lets have them, it would be of some interest. And one other point while I might not agree or be interested in a topic you post, if I dont like it I can just not read it. Its not like this forum has so many timely and interesting topics that there is not room for another.

    Byron, your destroyer story, improbable as it sounds, is not aviation, or directly warbirds, but I dont take offense to that part of what you wrote.

    I do have a story about a Cuban Mig, true story , and involves one of the key people in several past EAA warbird shows. I think it is not only within the scope of this forum , but also of special interest due to its connection with EAA and Osh. And it is not a remote connnections like you Rons examples. And this one isnt connected with politics really.Want to read it?
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-30-2016 at 08:40 PM.

  5. #5
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    Ron ,if you have the info about where the planes are that were involoved in the invasion, lets have it.
    I have zero interest in the subject. I merely used that as an example. I'm not connected to the warbird community, you are.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Greenwood View Post
    And one other point while I might not agree or be interested in a topic you post, if I dont like it I can just not read it.
    If you would have just posted a question or attempted a history lesson, I would have ignored it or contributed as the mood struck. But you attempted to justify the posting on the claim that it fit the purpose of the board. I disagreed with that claim.

    Ron Wanttaja

  6. #6

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    Ron we have different values. You recent post about the F89 parked at EAA, sur fits this forum. But I just dont see much human interest in that plane, not a lot noteworthy about it.
    I recently posted about new info on the Rosenbergs. It has somewhat of an aviation connection in that they were trying to steal Atomic bomb secrets and did steal Lockheed fighter plans, as well as fusing info. But the reason I posted it was because it was interesting, not because it was just basic EAA.
    I think the recent info on Cuba is fascinating, and it has some connection with warbirds and now with EAA gen aviation as well. But it is a topic that has lasted
    I also wrote about a friend who met Mohamed Atta at a flight school in Florida. You could claim this has nothing to do with EAA, and I could point out my friend flies experimental and is an EAA member. But why debate such a fine line, the reason I wrote the topic is because I thought members would find it interesting?
    I wasnt trying to give a history lesson, but if one was studying history, the invasion and missile crisis would sure be worth study. The interaction between Kennedy and Kruschev might remimd one a bit of Englnd trying to deal with Germany in 39-40. And we know that one involved a lot of warbirds.
    Maybe other members dont see these conflicts a worth a look, but lets have a little friendly slack with each other.
    Heres a little attempt at humor,that just came to me. If Sir Winston and Fidel meet in the afterlife with little in common, do you think Fidel might offer him a good cigar?
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 11-30-2016 at 11:36 PM.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Dana's Avatar
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    Bill, I don't think it was your original post, but the replies that got the subject trashed.

    Over on HBA we'd just lock the thread from further replies.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Zack Baughman View Post
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  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Franklinton, Louisiana
    Mr. Bill,
    I for one enjoy reading your historical segments as I have learned from everyone I read. I would like to think that this forum is for aviation enthusiasts to discuss aviation and other things of interest. Regardless of it being "tied-in" with aviation is irrelevant. The fact is this, birds of a feather flock together. I would much rather get an opinion on the best brake pads for my truck on this forum than I would at my local parts store. The collective knowledge we all share far exceeds that of other forums. I can guarantee it.
    In short, use your resources and fellowship with one another in a kind an respectful way! The policy I go by anyway.

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