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Thread: Bob Hoover Gone West

  1. #1
    rwanttaja's Avatar
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    Bob Hoover Gone West

    AVweb reports that Bob Hoover has passed on, at the ripe old age of 94.

    About 30 years ago, an old flying buddy came to town. "Hey," I said, "Bob Hoover's doing the airshow at Tacoma Narrows."

    We went, and of course, were amazed. We met him afterwards and got him to sign our programs.

    As we were walking away, my buddy said, "Hey, we should have shook hands with him!"

    So we ran back. Bob gave us a quizzical look, but shook hands with us anyway.

    We trotted away, laughing like kids.

    Vaya con Dios, Bob Hoover.

    Ron Wanttaja

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Im glad to have known him, even little a bit. One day I was sitting next to him before the start of a briefing and he was quiet and kind of pensive, so I made some comment, and he said, "I was just thinking, this is my 50th year of airshows."
    I got to say hello to him this year at Oshkosh in the hotel, he was coming to the elevator and was in a wheelchair with a friend pushing him. He looked frail, but was alert and I commented on how well dressed he was as usual, and he said something about always wanting to look good.
    No pretty girls walked by right then, but if they did I'll bet his eyesight would be still sharp.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    His flying was the best I ever saw back in the day.

    Oshkosh 2016, a row or so away from my camp a car pulled over to talk to someone. It was Bob Hoover.
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  4. #4

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    Some years ago the FAA, for reasons we still dont really know, tried to suspend him from flyin, with just innuendo , no facts except in his favor. Of course he could and did pass every required test, physical, mental and certainly skill wise and flew legally in Australia. Finally, but sadly and slowly a new FAA administrator reversed all this, but I dont think the apology given was nearly enough.
    I dont believe during that time that the FAA could find a single airshow professional or military pilot to testify against Bob, and any day any one of these people would have gladly flown with him as would I.
    All the negatives came from two low level guys in Ok. It was as if a scribe had said Shakespeare was unfit to write. Govt people probably have immunity from civil suit, but if ever anyone deserved to be sued it was these two. I'd love to have seen someone like Johnnie Cochran represent Bob vs these two.
    Last edited by Bill Greenwood; 10-25-2016 at 12:25 PM.

  5. #5

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    Mr.Hoover was THE reason I started flying. I met him on one occasion with General Yeager at a restaurant just outside of the OSH airport, he was the most gracious of gentlemen and spent 20 minutes with me answering questions that I am sure he has answered a million times before. He never gave me anything but his undivided attention. Never has anyone ever motivated me to succeed without a spoken word.

  6. #6
    RickFE's Avatar
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  7. #7
    FlyingRon's Avatar
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    I've been around all sorts of aviation greats, but even the greatest got quiet whenever Hoover walked into the room.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Close to OSH, but not close enough!
    Sniff. I was so sad to read the news this morning. Tearing up again just thinking about it. 94...he had a good long life and accomplished amazing things, but still sad to see him gone. RIP, Bob.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Bob Hoover was the greatest pilot that's ever slipped the surly bonds of earth. An Aviation Icon. A National Treasure. A true patriot and American Hero. Truly the best of the best and an even greater person. Always Incredibly kind and extremely generous, always positive and an open resource for anyone wanting to learn. So sad to hear of his passing. When I was a kid my Dad and I saw his Shrike Commander energy management display at Oshkosh. Hands down bar none the Best flying I've ever seen or will ever see. He will never be replaced. We love you Bob and may you fly with the Angels forever. Godspeed Mr Hoover. Godspeed.
    Last edited by Mark17; 10-25-2016 at 07:43 PM.

  10. #10
    gbrasch's Avatar
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    My best Oshkosh memories from years ago were watching him fly (and taxi back to the exact spot) his Shrike Commander with both engines shut down. RIP.
    Glenn Brasch
    KRYN Tucson, Arizona
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    EAA member since 1980
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