Originally Posted by
Jim Hann
I had two failures, both on a Beech Baron 58 (light twin).
The first one was a mixture control, apparently it goes to idle cut-off when the cable breaks on the Baron. All I know is the fuel flow gradually decreased until the engine was just windmilling. No power left from it, we feathered it so that we would keep on flying. We (I had another pilot with) were mid-weight but the Baron is a good single engine airplane and we were able to continue on to our destination.
The second was a throttle cable. This time I was very light (me, full tanks minus the 1:20 flight, and 5lbs of paper). I found out the cable was broken when it came time to descend. Once I realized what happened I had to reduce power somehow... Since I knew I could maintain altitude and shoot an ILS (it was IFR of course) on one engine at my weight I just pulled the mixture on the uncontrollable engine.
The other thing, it was the right engine both times, not the left.