Dear Cessnas 2 Oshkosh Pilots and EAA Friends:

If you have tried to access our website today, you already know. We would like to inform all of our pilots and friends that our website has been down all day since early morning. At 7:45 AM EDT, our host,, suffered a catastrophic failure in their data center in Phoenix, Arizona. Unfortunately, one of the servers that failed was the one where our website lives. Fortunately, the servers that hold our SQL database and the email service were not affected. Our data has been verified and is intact.

We made contact with GoDaddy's data center technicians shortly after the crash and have been in touch with them throughout the day working on the solution. As of 20:00 EDT, the GoDaddy's data center technicians have not been able to restart the replacement servers.

We will inform everyone once the website is back online. We would like to offer our apologies for the inconvenience that this failure may have caused.